Time To Simplify?

I am considering combining a 2-channel audio-only system into one of my surround sound systems, using a Parasound 2100 preamp's HT Bypass inputs. The front L/R and subwoofer outputs from my Yamaha AVR would be routed to these inputs, but it appears that I would need to hook up a separate 2-channel amp to the 2100's outputs for stereo-only listening. The on-board amp in the Yamaha AVR would be used only when the system is used for video (?). Of course, I have the 2-channel amp already, but it seems counter-intuitive to add another amp for stereo listening, leaving the AVR's front L/R amplifiers idle and unused. Of course, I understand that those channels of amplification can only be used to power sources connected to the AVR (unless I'm missing or misunderstanding something on how the HT Bypass works). The main reasons for going down this road would be to save floor space and eliminate two subwoofers (the AV system and the 2-channel system both use dual subs). I am still getting over a recent bout with COVID and my brain has not gotten back to its normal operating mode, not that it was very high to begin with. Is my thinking on needing that separate 2-channel amp correct or not?


Showing 1 response by discnik

Just saw the thread from April 27 addressing this issue (missed it on first go-round) so my questions were answered. I will definitely need to hook up that 2-channel amp to the Parasound 2100.