Time to reflect - why do you post on Audiogon.....

Obviously the majority of posters are seeking help making decisions about purchases, but there exists an underlying group of regular contributors and it is to these folks that I address this question. I'll start -

I love this hobby and music. I've gotten valuble help over the years, as well as having been skinned by opportunists and my own imagination. When I discovered this site a few years ago it appeared to be an excellent place for me to help those whom I can to enjoy the hobby as I do and, at the same time, provide a few with warnings about certain pitfalls and myths. I do not work in the industry nor do I sell product (not even my own stuff - you have to see my closet!) My reward comes on those few occasions when I know I have helped some one or even rarer occasions when some one takes a moment to say thanks.

Why do you post?

Showing 8 responses by jax2

Kickbacks and payoffs from the audio manufacturers. That, and the great medical plan and retirement benefits keep me posting.


PS ......Hell, If I can save a few heathen solid state listeners from the ravaging onslaughts of that wicked platform in the process, wake them up and have them accept the likes of G.R. Carey, John Ambrose Flemming, and Lee de Forrest as their lords and saviors, I can sleep better at night!! That's just frosting on the cake!
Dammit Gunbei, I thought we agreed not to speak publicly of our 'special relationship'. I told you, people won't understand what we have together. People are cruel, intollerant and jelous when they see a green slant-headed boy walking hand in hand with a 44 year-old white man! If this kind of indiscression continues I'm going to have to break it off! Pay no attention to the green boy folks, he's young and reckless, and lives in a fantasy land inside is green slanted head. There's nothing to see here folks. Go back to your banter about more valuable ways to contribute and leave us to speak further in private. I'll straigten him out, you'll see. He just needs a bit of TLC, and just a bit of manly loving. Sorry for wasting all the bandwidth with our bickering. C'mere Gunbei......no, don't be afraid....don't you run from me.....I won't hurt you again....there you go, that's it......see, isn't that better..........NOW SAY MY NAME BITCH! WHO'S YOUR DADDY!???!!!

Nrchy - I was a Baptist minister before Audiogon showed me the error in my ways. I went into one of their twelve-step programs. Had the shakes something fierce, thought I wasn't going to make it. Met the GreenMan over there at the clinic and he helped me through it. One look at him with his slanted head, green complexion, and absense of any genitals or even a crack to down there to relieve himself and I knew I was in the right place. If he could do it, so could I. Now I worship tubes and denounce all others. You know what we say about tubes: If it ain't hot and hard, it ain't worth a f*%k!

Nope, it can't be explained away that easily Nrchy. Gunbei (the GreenMan) is the one without the rectum. It wasn't part of the twelve-step program, and it's not contagious! So I got no such excuse for the abundance of &*%$# that fills me up! I'd say constipation, except for the fact that I stock the pond with Finless Browns on a pretty regular basis. I'm proud to tell you I've had plenty of big'uns in there too. Some fight like the Dickens to stay afloat. Had to flush three time for one of'em! Maybe posting here helps me get rid of some of the residual though, and that's what you're picking up on?! Ooops, out of toilet paper......anyone got the new Stereophile on hand?
Ohlala - I tend to liken it more to watching a car crash and being in it at the same time. Whenever I go back and read my old posts I wonder why they keep allowing me to post anything here at all!? I haven't changed a bit. It's hopeless. Gee, I'm glad I'm in this car crash cause now I won't have to off myself.

Not to worry Youjames, now that you've seen the light, or rather the glow, you will always have that warm fuzzy feeling of the presence of tubes deep inside you. Those tubes that ran off to VTL ain't comin' back. In fact there is no "upgrade" department at VTL, just "repairs". You've been duped. It's hard love, I know, but the sooner you face up to it, the closer you'll be able to be to the tube-baby you carry inside you when you give birth eight or nine months from now (unless it's one of those 9-pin premie tube-babies, in which case it may be sooner).

Let go and let Tesla. One tube at a time.

Menotjames; Memarco.
I do not believe the collective knowledge of the A-gon will be diminished by my absence, at least it will never be noticed.

That has to be one of the very rare times I find myself in disagreement with you, Newbee. I'd say a great many, both new and longtime members will miss your valued contributions. I certainly speak for myself in saying so. That said, I do understand very well that life is short and there are far more rich and meaningful things to devote one's time and energy to. Thank you for your contributions here, Newbee.

All the Best,

Newbee - I just came to a few conclusions myself on this subject, which I posted on 3/30/07 to this other thread. Rather than spewing it all out here again, thought I'd point you over there as it's an interesting thread.

