Time to pull the trigger on BluRay?

I am woefully ignorant about where we are with bluray. Is it time to buy? If so what are the SOTA players? I assume these players will play DVD and perhaps some other formats. I vaguely remember hearing that there are some features/quality issues still being worked out. Please educate the ignorant.

Showing 3 responses by blindjim

If you have a 1080P display, are the sort to watch the 'making of' & assorted extras on the added discs accompanying the DVD, can connect to the internet one more device, like commercials, and don't mind the near $30 per copy disc prices, then definitely get a BR player.

Given the nature of HDMI has changed several times in just the recent past, it is likely another itteration is forthcoming.

And just when is 1080P content coming for TV? it'll be a good long while.

I liked the nod to upsampling SD DVD content best. SD DVDs are plentiful and inexpensive. The title choices there are plentiful as well.

IMO the BR & HDMI stanards are still not fixed, nor are there sufficient titles at decent priciing to necessitate a huge investment right now into Blue Ray discs & gear.

If you truly wish to get in, get in cheap. Things are still evolving.

Oppos' BR player was originally slated for about this time last year, but they went with a reference SD DVD player instead, the 983. Some sort of hold up with the processing chip and/or rights from Sony. I will say though, if and or when oppo does come out with one, it will surely have to be on one's short list of Blue Ray players to check out given their track record for performance and value.
More importantly find out if it's 1080P capable. If so that signal can be carried on RBG component cables. HDMI allows for both video and audio if 1.2 or higher on one cable, AND video upsampling.... component cables won't allow for this upsampling. it's not really an issue with the wires... it's the copy protection imbedded on the disc and which way Hollywood wanted it to be conveyed to keep it protected/manipulated.

My FPJ has HDMI INPUT. It's only 720P though, which for me is good enough.