Time machines

Do you have any favorite albums that act like a virtual time machine? Just listening to them sends you back in time. Care to share your experiences?

For me, Al Stewart's "Year of the Cat". After the first few seconds, it's 1977 all over again. I'm back at law school. Jimmy Carter is in the White House. Elvis is still alive. (At least for part of the year.)

Showing 1 response by slipknot1

"Who's Next" For me it's 1975 all over again: Boston Garden The Who have just launched into their third song : "Baba O'Reilly". Moon is wailing on his drum kit, all you see is his head and his arms flailing around. Suddenly, he disappears, as does the sound of the drums. Music stops; Pete anounces that the show is over as Keith is feeling "a little under the weather". As it turns out, he fell backwards off his stool, unconcious. Pete promises to come back in a month or so and give a great show. They return toward the end of the tour and bring the house down. Every time I think of, or see a photograph of the "Gahden" I am reminded of some of the finest moments of my life spent there. The Dead, Yes, The Who, Marshall Tucker Band, my college graduation was held there, Celtics/Lakers NBA finals. I have to stop now, I'm getting all misty-eyed...