Time for a "massive" turntable: Spacedeck vs Scheu

I have been considering upgrading my analog setup for a while (Michell Tecnodec and Thorens TD150 MKII). I will keep the Thorens as a nice example of a classic suspended deck. After many "light" turntables, I now would love to give mass-loaded table a try:

- Nottingham Spacedeck with Ace-Space arm

- Scheu Premier MKII with Moerch UP4 tonearm

I have listened to the Spacedeck a couple of times and love its solid sonic foundation, black backgrounds, solid bass, and warm but extremely detailed and tuneful sound. I have not had a chance to listen to the Scheu but would love to hear some comments and about direct comparisons with the Nottingham.

List of previous analog setups

Remaining system:
Denon DL103R (as the initial cartridge)
Wright WPP200C phono (planned)
Fi Y, Super X, First Watt F1
Cain & Cain Abby

Any comments, experiences, recommendations?


Showing 6 responses by restock

Jaybo, if you look at my history of tables, I have owned Linn, Rega, Michell - all on the light rigid side. Also, I am still keeping a classic Thorens TD150 (really a mini Linn LP12) around. I like the Rega sound in particular, but right now I am just looking to explore something different.

Also, talking about popularity, Nottingham had been around for a very long time - their Spacedeck being their most popular offering. There are supposedly more than 10000 out there but almost never one for sale.

Colitas, thanks for the suggestion to contact 4yanx - I just did.
Raul, thanks very much for your response. I have always been impressed with your analog setups and been following your responses on the forum.

I wish I would be able to afford a Galibier or Simon Yorke, or even just an Acoustic Solid One. The Spacedeck with its alloy platter seems like an affordable option using materials that make sense for a turntable design. So far I have not been a fan of acrylic tables or platters.

So far I am almost set on the Sapcedeck. As for the arm I am still not quite sure. The Moerch arm looks like a good choice for the Spacedeck as well, so that I am now considering either the Spacedeck with either arm. Especially the flexibility of the Moerch arm and to be able to adapt it to a wide variety of cartridges is tempting.

Does anyone have some comments on the different arms (Moerch vs. Ace space) on a Spacedeck?
Oz, thanks for your responses here and on the Asylum. Interestingly the two arms that everyone recommends more than any other are the Ace-space and the Moerch. Also, I just heard some rumors that the Ace-space is being improved again. I will have to check with Tom Fletcher to see whether there is any truth in that.

Sirspeedy, thanks for the recommenedatio of the Oracle. Of course Oracle is in Canada and fairly easy to get to. I will make sure to check it out.


Wow, quite a lot of new answers while I was not looking....

I am pretty sure all suggestions are excellent. There seems to be in general a good consensus that all the mentioned tables, Teres, Nottingham, Scheu are all excellent examples of well executed turntables. From reading the archives for the last two years, the Spacedeck, Scheu Premier, Teres 255 seem to be all in about the same league so that at this point I think it all comes down to personal preference. Neither ones is really a "tweaky" table (at least compared to e.g. a Linn LP12).

Now here is one for discussion: The only thing I am still not sure about are the Acryl platters on the Scheu and Teres - any comments? I just seem to not like Acryl as turntable material very much so far...Anyone remember the acrylic Teres vs the wooden Teres comments?

The problem is that it is impossible to compare all the above tables in my system - any Teres or Scheu owners in the Toronto, Calgary, Bufallo area etc.?

Also, just a sidenote: Nottingham is coming out with a revised "hotrodded" version of the Spacedeck with improved motor housing, the Hyperspace bearing, and heavier armpod. Also, the Spacearm will feature additional damping and other small changes starting in May/June.

Thanks again for all the responses so far.

Biomimetic, sorry for the long delayed response. So far I have not been very impressed with the VPIs (Scoutmaster, TNT), I listened to. I compared the Spacedeck (Benz Ace) directly to the Scoutmaster (Dynavector 17D2) and found the Scoutmaster to be slow and lifeless compared to the Space. The Space had blacker backgrounds, more details and texture, despite its much warmer sound.

Also, I noticed the motor on the Scoutmaster vibrating quite strongly (same on a Scout). And then there is the neverending upgrading policy with improvements every month for VPI that makes me a little suspicious.

Otherwise I might have just for the Scout. I even have an offer for a TNT Junior locally, that seems ok, but VPI has so far not convinced me. Just my short impressions though...
