Time for a new cartridge

My current cartridge which is a Van Den Hul DDTII Special MC is starting to lose it's zing. Details are not as sharp as they were and overall I think I'd like something fresh. My tt is a VPI Prime with the 10" JMW Memorial tonearm. My phono stage is a Musical Fidelity Nu Vista Vinyl. My amp is a McIntosh MA8950 integrated. My speakers are Sonus Faber Cremona M. I have 2 KEF R400B subs, which I think compliment the Cremona's. I've emailed VDH and they said they would do a re tip and get it back to where it was, but I'm thinking maybe it's time for a different sound. With the info I've provided I'd like some alternatives. My budget is around $2500.


Showing 6 responses by rauliruegas

Dear @reimarc  :  Good to confirm and good that you are satisfied.


The ART 1000 is very good performer that I listened. I owned the Victor L1000 that's similar to the Neumann one and the Art and very good performer too.


Dear @reimarc : " The sound pressure transmitted to the microphone by the shape of the sound pipe is equalized, and the test record is adjusted and aged so that the frequency response from 20Hz to 20KHz is almost flat.. " 

The signal is equalized to conform the inverse RIAA eq.. The cartridge is an amplitude transducer instead velocity one cartridges. Like the strain gauge and that’s why you can’t use through a phono stage just as the strain gauge design.

Now is flat 20hz to 20khz and which is the response from: 12hz to 35khz and beyond these " figures "? because that frequency range came from the manufacturer/designer aand is weird that he does not measured or at least a comment about, only saying.

I experienced 2-3 times with the SG by SSmith and well is a different kind of sound that was not exactly what I was looking for and maybe the MEMScould be.


" retrieving "new" musical information from my old records all the time..."


I wonder how many different eq.has the unit or if no matter what the response is always almost exactly to the inverse RIAA eq. ( flat ).



vinylshadow you was who posted that link and even that you say:  I have not read about the deviation ..."   go figure  !



Dear @drvynil01  @vynilshadow:

The cartridge was designed at very precise market prce point as the manufacturer entry level model and that's why the Eq. uses op-amps instead of discrete design.You can't ask for more:




Dear @drvinyl01   : The poblem with that DS Audio cartridge isthat around 8khz and up its frequency response has a deviation af 6db-8db that is to high and where you can hear.

Nothing is just perfect in analog audioand that is the negative trade-off you " pay " for.


@willy-t ​​@chasda   :  Yes the Lyra Kleos is a cartridge winner and at very good low price for it.

