TIGER PAW "Tranquility" (Magnetic Bearing Repulsion...) Any Good?

I have stumbled across a new LINN LP12 enhancement called TIGER PAW TRANQUILITY.

In essence, it uses magnetic discs and is said to relieve the bearing of 90% of the platter weight - so a lighter load means a quieter bearing.

Online endorsements seem to be overwhelmingly in favour.

It's pricey for a non-LINN part at about GBP400 + Shipping, but seems like a great idea.

Just wondering if anyone here has tried it?  Any feedback?

Showing 1 response by sisyphus51

The whole philosophy of the LP12 is - if I am not mistaken - close mechanical coupling from platter bearing through the tonearm to the stylus (and record groove) while isolating these components from outside vibrations.
It seems to me that un-loading the bearing would be detrimental to that goal.
I never experienced bearing noise (rumble) when I owned an LP12.