Tidal vs ATC

Thinking about my end game speaker and seriously considering one from either brand. On the Tidal camp looking at either the Contriva G2 or Agoria and on the ATC camp the SCM150 or SCM300.
Any thoughts on this battle? The tidal I know is a truly amazing speaker. The contriva g2 is the best I've heard and has an amazing finish.  But I see insane praise from ATC for being a very accurate and extremely well made speaker. Only issue is I have no local dealers for ATC in canada. Maybe after the pandemic is over I'll fly to USA to hear them... but honestly even that makes me a bit nervous with all this going on.
Any thoughts?

Showing 4 responses by calloway

smodtactical..if you live in the states and near Virginia you are more than welcome to come listen..
smodtactical.....I have had my Contriva Dicer-SE speakers for 7-8 years. I bought them new as my 'last speakers'. I could easily purchase one of the upper Tidal models ..G2...Agoria etc but the Contrivas are just so great that i don't have the desire to upgrade.They are exactly that.I have been to many audio shows..RMAF..Axpona 4 times...and CAF on 2 occasions and have not heard a speaker i would trade for.They are the most natural sounding speakers in my opinion. I have met and even had dinner with Jorn and he is absolutely one of the most brilliant designers. Tidal has great service both in the states and abroad.
Actually I have. I spent a few days at the USA distributors home last Summer. I had a chance to listen to the G2 and Akita Tidal speakers. The G2 is great but.. as I said.. my Contrivas are so good that they will be my last speakers... happily... if you have a chance to buy a used pair of Contrivas .. that would be a great price if in great condition. 
I would certainly get in touch with Doug White at ‘thevoicethatis.com’ ...and talk with him about Tidal speakers. He is incredibly knowledgeable about them and all things audio.