Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...

Showing 23 responses by focalfan

if iwant to buy this speakers, after reading the review, idon't. it is not a good review and mr. mickelson "dances" around with words and words, but not the point.
never heard of "audiobeat"???
ciro71, iagree with you . the new focal utopia3 line is just amazing. they made such imprvoments over the prior models, almost totally new sepaekr. if you are considering a new speakers, anyone should listen to the mastero, scalla, stella or the grand, depends on budget and room.comparing to tidal speakers,i prefer the focal, no questions.
geopolitics,"quite possibly the best speaker in the world"-- prove it! if you can....but you can't!
"I suggest you take a look in the News section in the Tidal website. There are some news about black ceramic drivers there..."
there is no information there, except for a picture of black driver, big deal.you begin to sound like a tidal- robot....no offense, ha!
geopolitics,"A person like you that believes that any Focal Utopia is a top speaker would never even consider a Tidal."
on this you are correct-- why go to the gutter with a"cult" speaker???
the term "neutral sound" is a subjective matter. there is no machine whiich can detect and measure"neutrality in sound".
maybe some audipphiles switch "neutral sound" with clean bright not sweet sound.
some "famous" speakers measure corrctly, but sound terrible. some sound excellent but don't have "perfect" graphs.
arguing about the concept of"neutral sound" is silly- you like the sound or you don't.
again, self- promiting,and self- marketing b.s
from tidal!
everyone should agree that is wrong for you to paint these chat threadswith your "opinions". unless they are part of your "cult"
it is not appropriate for manufacatur to comment on his products, on these end- user threads.
self- promoting noneses, together with self- marketing is double wrong.
wow, more not- tuned ceramic drivers in a black box...."fresh design".
total waste, in my opinion.
only question is why so many "refernce" sunrays for sale this year? the truth is out...
argyro, please look at my other posts. to me, sunrays=hype.
i was a audiophile for many years. iheard/had good speakers, and not so good.heard the sunrays in the last 3 munich shows. i go every year. also heard contriva diacera.
better speaker then sunrays. more balanced.
the sunrays is not so well designed but nice finish.the sound is not natural, and the bass is slow and fat.many designers like the ceramic drivers. cheap, and easy to put in the cabinet.also measures are good. but sounds bad.
it is hard to say"refernce" when people sell them, and they don't sell.now even kharma move away from ceramic.now kharma makes good/great speakers! i also like new big sonus fabor,gamuts7,magico q5, and focal em line.
tbg, when isay"me too speakers" imeant tidal is --not marten or rockport, etc. nothing in tidal design is original. pretty box with "special"ceramic drivers, diamond tweeter(kharma did that 15 years ago!).don't know bmc arcedia- new speaker?maybe hear it in munich.
mike60, maarten is better speaker then tidal. for sure.
the new focal line isvery very good. just listen, and you get it.one member sold sunray"refernce"(?) for focal stella- ask him.
linkster, maybe you should live them there ,and get realy good speakrs?just my opinion.
...." updated with the black graphite drivers to reflect current production?"--waste of money.
wow, what an update!not--
tidal= me too, me too speakers(like kharma, marten,isophone, rockport graphite drivers)...

but tidal graphite is "special", "custom- made",right?not.
tbg- you are welcome! it not only my opinion... maybe it is yours too, just don't want to say it in open forum?
just look how many""tidal refernce" "special this&that" for sale more then a year....
conclusion-better speakers for the money then tidal.for sure.
heard the agoria in munich..... so many drivers("specialblack ceramique"), solittle sound. bass, like a disco-(,boom,boom), and the rest like regular tidal speakers- harsh midrange, bright,screaming tweeter.nothing new.
before you buy tidal piano, buy marten django- much much better speaker for the money.
georgmg, i don't agree. to me the piano sounded at h.e.m very thin with boom bass, no credibility to the sound.
maarten django was much more real sound, with real design.also much better deal for the money.
also, the agoria sounded out of phase, many people say that. also heard sunray is discontinue .