Thrift store tune treat for half-buck + tax

I stopped at one of my favorite thrift stores of Durham NC and after quick surf through the record boxes I found Leinsdorf//Petrushka on Decca Viva released in 1983 UK. I've been happy with 80's Decca labels in general so indeed had to give it a try for half-buck in very clean condition with undamaged inner original polylined sleeve.
When I started listening, I thought I couldn't be happier with sound that has amazing stereo mix with imaging and placement of instruments. It literally defines precise placement of instruments throughout the entire album so that you want to be a conductor yourself :). Also I was impressed with exceptional detail and genuine natural sound of instruments. 

Showing 4 responses by schubert

They tend to be smarter and more civilized than the average bear so that figures .
If you don’t know , you don’t know . The world is big but the best is small and has a small audience .
Why eat at McDonald's when you can go to a 4 star joint for same price .
One think I know ,fact certain, is that you are either getting better or you are getting worse .
People who spout garbage about "old dudes’ etc are not getting better .

One of the greatest of the classical minds, the Roman Senator Cicero, said "If you do not understand History you remain forever a child " .
He was correct .