Threshold Stasis S/150

I am considering purchasing the S/150 to drive the Vandersteen 2ci. Do you think the S/150 is enough to drive the 2ci? What I have heard is that the first 30 watts is in Class A mode. Thanks 

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Showing 1 response by hoosierinohio

I believe the efficiency of those speakers is 88 db for 1 watt at 1 meter.  Not the most efficient.  I ran a Threshold Cas2 with Linn Kan II (85 db efficiency) and loved the sound.  I have to admit the Cas2 has the longest warm up period I have ever experienced.  Sounded great in 15 minutes but an hour or so in, it goes to superb.  I'm guessing the mid and high will be excellent but the bass might not be as fully driven.  I'd probably pull the trigger, especially if it was priced sweetly.