Threshold S/500 II power cord suggestions?

I never really believed power cords could make much of a difference until I got this amp. Proper "dressing" of the power cord made significant differnces. Now I'm wondering if can improve upon it further. I'm hoping to keep the costs reasonable. Any suggestions?

Showing 2 responses by thorman

I guess it really depends on what your trying to change.There are many cords that'll work. I used a Discovery cord on my S/300 and it added a touch of warmth and worked real well. If you want to stay neutral with plenty of slam I would suggest the VH Audio flavor 4 cords.
Good Luck , I do have a 2 meter Discovery cord if you wish to try it.It is a touch warm though and it may or maynot be what your looking for...Goog Luck
Unsound: Can't help you with the ringing issue.Never had a hint of problen with the S/300 for about 8 years or so. You may have other issues here.