Threshold 400A Amplifier and Conrad Jonson MF2500A

Hi members. I need some opinions on a Threshold 400A  wich I got 2 days ago for a reasonable price. The Amp sound amazing but it gets really warm. Should I leave it  on all the time or turn it off every night? your advice will be appreciated. Thanks Osiris.

Showing 6 responses by osirir

Thanks for your advice, I will leave it on all the time. So the temperature does not affect  the live span of internal parts?  
Thanks for your wonderful advice. It makes me feel good to be a member when you get honest and useful  response from beautiful people. Thanks Again. Chears  
Hi Elevick. Yes that is exactly how I feel : paranoid: I'm using a Audioprism Mantissa power conditioner. I just got the 400A  and the previous owner had a full revision done in 2013. It is a great Amp. Is there any way to find out when it was build?. Thanks for your response. Osiris 
Hi jafant. What would be the benefit of not using a power conditioner on the 400A and the negative of using one?. Thanks Osiris
Hi Jond. The reason was because I have a CJ MF2500 upgrade to A version and I was comparing it with the Threshold 400A. I love the MF2500, it is a sweet Amp. Chears
Right at this moment I,m listening to the 400A plug directly to the wall no power conditioner. The top end of this amplifier is out of the world. Threshold 400A blue circle BC3 Despina Tube PreAmp Audiolab MDAC with ATC SCM 11 V2 Thanks for the advice guys. The power conditioner does not improve the 400A. This is a gem of  an amplifier.