Three Cheers for Pass Labs

We all have complaints about customer service now and then, and when we do, we don't hesitate to voice our complaints. I have a positive experience that I would like to relay to Audiogon members. Last November, I bought a Pass Labs X250.5 amplifier from a fellow Audiogon member. When I received the amp, I used it for 4 days, and I was surprised and disappointed that the sound was not nearly as good as I was expecting. I chalked it up to a difference in tastes, and put it away, intending to sell it after the holidays. I did sell it to another member 2 weeks ago, and he too noticed that it did not sound good. He had long experience however with Threshold amps, and knew that it should sound better. He called Pass, and they guided himm through a simple test that showed that the bias settings were way out of whack. The buyer no longer wanted the amp and I refunded his money. However, I was told by Nelson and Kent at Pass Labs that if I shipped it to them, they would repair it at no charge. I want to add that the amp is out of warranty. I think that this is exceptional customer service, and I want everyone to know. I have had a similar experience with McIntosh, and I want to give a vote of support to all manufactureres who treat their customers in this way. Thanks!

Showing 2 responses by pubul57

Based on build quality, sound quality, customer service, and the design chops coming from Pass Labs I can't really imagine anyone buying an SS amp without considering a Pass amp; other than pricing which can get quite high, especially for their Class A designs. If there is a better sounding SS amp than their XA30.5, I have not heard it.
This is going to get very repetitive as I had exactly the same type service from Pass and Mark at RenoHiFi. The fact that Pass' SS is perhaps the finest available does not hurt either.