Three best Dylan albums???

I know this will raise the ire of some of our brethren but there have been several threads along this same line and a comment I just saw brought this to mind.
I suppose a lot of this will be age dependent but here goes...
My top three Dylan albums in decending order are:
1) Blood on the Tracks. The writing is brilliant, the band is on! If this doesn't tug at your emotions check for a pulse
2) Oh Mercy. It took a few years but when critics said this was the best since Blood on the Tracks they were right! He caught a lot of people sleeping because too many people wrote him off already. The imagery of his best work was back with a vengence. "The Man in the Long Black Coat" is a prime example. And now for the controversy...
3) Empire Burlesque. Say what you will I have listened to this for years and it's still fresh and relavent. Okay I admit I cringe a little when he does "Trust Yourself" but they can't all be winners.
These are my choices, I know there will be lots of others who prefer something else but lets here it.
"we are idiots babe, it's a wonder that we still know how to breathe"

Showing 1 response by audiotomb

Blood on the Tracks
Oh Mercy
Blonde on Blonde

I saw Dylan this last go round
a performance not to be missed!