Thoughts wanted for new speaker design

I am working to introduce a new speaker at Capital Audiofest this year and have a few tentative designs but wanted to do a little market research and see what you guys would find most interesting. Since I don’t have $40K for focus groups, thought I would ask your guys POV.

I currently offer two stand mounts - one which is a fiberglass based composite (Nightshade) and the other is Carbon Fiber bases (Blackthorn).

you can see them here at:

i am currently sold out but will be back in stock in about two weeks.  

i am looking to see what you guys would be most interested in:

1. a higher efficiency standmount - 92dB to 93dB but will be using compression drivers. Material could be MDF or Bamboo but most like Bamboo. Price ~$2500

2. A less expensive standmount made from bamboo or MDF that will be ~$2000. Likely be less than $2000 if it is MDF.

3. A Nightshade (fiberglass) Floorstander that would retail at $8-$10,000.

4. A floorstander that would look like 1 or 2 though I expect the efficiency of 1 will be closer to 100dB. Retail $3500 to $5000.

Unless you guys saw me at AXPONA or know someone who bought my first batch of speakers I know you haven’t heard my current stand-mounts. Just looking for a POV on what will be most interesting to you.

Thanks in advance.


Showing 1 response by ajnackman

I think it depends on your target market. Over 3.5k for a standmount speaker is a tough pill to swallow for someone my age (mid twenties) who is just getting into audio or even as a second speaker. I like the style of your designs, very minimalist cabinet and a driver with a lot of character. An affordable efficient standmount (around 2k) seems like an interesting product given your current lineup and the market as a whole. The problem is marketing to my generation as few of us seem to go to audio shows. I think my generation of consumers like to purchase online from established companies with a return policy. I'm thinking of Kef, monitor audio, focal, etc with flashy websites and that are perceived as "cool". We don't like going somewhere to buy something, for better or worse.

Your current products seem like a third or later speaker; after someone has invested some time and money into this hobby. They know what they are looking for and are willing to do some serious research and/or go listen for themselves.

Again I think an affordable efficient standmount fits into your product line well, its just a competitive price point. It seems to be filled with lower efficiency speakers from major companies.

Just my two cents.