Thoughts on the Unico

Ok, to those of you who own the Unison Research Unico or who have heard it, please give me your thoughts. I have other threads going that tell of matching problems i'm having (NHT 2.5i's).

what are the amp's characteristics? Is it a VERY laid back, SOMEWHAT laid back, or more of an UP FRONT sounding amp?

How does this Unico compare to the likes of Creek 5350se, Cyrus integrated, Primare i20 or A30, Classe CAP101 or CAP151, Naim Nait 5, Musical Fidelity A3.2 or even the Moon I5? I can get any of these in my area.

I prefer a crisp, detailed sound that is somewhat punchy (not overly so) and at the same time i enjoy depth and dimentionality (i understood the Unico was a good combination of all of these characteristics...does anyone know any better?)

I'm just not sure if i should lose the Amp OR the NHT's or BOTH!!

I think I should look into picking up smaller monitors for my room, b/c first and foremost, my speakers are too large for the room.

But any thoughts on my integrated would be greatly appreciated.

thanks guys.

You've all been very helpful thus far.

unico is a wonderful amp. if one is sounding bad, it must be due to the other components. changing tubes and cables you can get anything you want out of unico. the last upgrade i had was an elco sgi-999 interconnect. you can't imagine the improvement in bass. i am using jean marie reynaud twin mkII's with it. a bargain! but they don't sound so good with bargain cables. i am using cables that are more expensive than the speakers and now they do sing.
i had the unico for a couple of monthes. To me it was a great amp. It sound awesome with both of the speakers i had on it, b&w 805 and sf concertos. i would say the sound is somewhat laid back, a little punchy but not the most crisp or detail amp of the ones you listed. I have heard the naim and classe cap151 from your list and also a plinius 8200 newer version of the 8100 which someone had mentioned previously. To me if there is an amp that is flat it would be the classe. i heard it at two different dealers for a good couple of hours combined. both times i was there to audition the speakers they were hooked up to and not the amp. both times i was very dissapointed. it just didn't draw me into the music, i just felt like it was missing something. the naim was much better, very crisp and detailed. however i would have to say that the plinius is the best of the bunch. it is very musical, smooth, and punchy. the sound is somewhat warm, slighty less then the unico, while also being crisp and detailed. i auditioned it with a pair of totem winds and was just blown away. i ended up getting the unico instead of the plinius because of i wanted to get into tubes. i know own an all tube amp. if i ever go back to solid state i would get the plinius. i feel the plinus best matches the description of the sound you want. however, you should not trust my opinion but your ears. since you said that all of these amps are availible in your area why not go and audition them? but please add the plinius to your list and look for a dealer.
Someone thought it sounded flat?
I was worried when I got it that it would sound too warm and round, perhaps muddy. I was in for a surprise. It is unbelievably dynamic. Incredible speed and drive and slam. It's also warm and full sounding, but for me, the speed and the kick and the dynamics are what stole the show.

Incidentally, the liveness of its sound can be improved by disengaging the short circuit protection inside the amp. And everything can be improved by upgrading the tubes (i'm using rca black plates ... 1960s, i believe, which are nice. Old mullards are supposed to be even nicer, but for more money. Avoid the ubiquitous mullard cv4003 tubes, which are crappy--modern chinese sound for vintage british prices).

check out the thorough unico review at