I hate to rain on the preverbial parade but I had the chance to do an A/B comparison of the 100.2 and the 150.2 and I have to say that the 100.2 was better by a considerable margin. The 100.2 has the magic of tubes with the drive and authority of solid state. The 150.2, while a very good amp, simply was not as engaging as the model it replaced. I'm no electrical engineer but the significant difference in sound quality between the amps is probably a function of their radically different designs--the 150.2 being a digital switching amp. I listened to both extensively in my own system and room so there were no variables except for the amps themselves. I really wanted to like the 150.2 better because it runs cooler and would work better in my in-cabinet installation. Try as I might the 100.2 simply sounded more musical and involving. I am not the only one who has reported on this comparison--since I did my listening and made my decision there have been other threads in which people report the same results. Bottom line is that both are good amps--it's just that the 100.2 may be the best sounding amp that ARC has ever produced. This is why they have held their value so well and why so few show up on the A'gon. I'd be interested in hearing other viewpoints on this as it is not often one gets to do such a controlled comparison and therefore develop an opinion with a high degree of personal validity. BTW, the preamp was an SP16.
Thoughts on the Audio Research 150.2
I bought this amp about 6 months ago from my local dealer along with the Shunyata Hydra 8 with the python power cord. Although I've been dabbling in HiFi since I was in my teens, this is the most I've paid for an amp. Frankly, I really love the sound I'm getting. My front speakers are JM Labs 926 Electras that I bought as demos from the same dealer. Before them I had Klipsch K-7's that are know in my living room as satelite speakers/ ones that can really crank with the windows open when I'm in the front yard.
I'm just curious if others have an opinion on this amp either good or bad. Again, I really like what I've been hearing. Thanks in advance.
I'm just curious if others have an opinion on this amp either good or bad. Again, I really like what I've been hearing. Thanks in advance.