You have one of the best 2 speakers Magico ever made the other being the Q3s.I think the Mini 2s will always be a classic the Q1s were not better just a big push by Valin as Wolfs fan boy who gets everything for free.If you want to talk Pass call Reno Hi Fi for honest answers.Your system and your room are wonderful.Enjoy and stay well.
Thoughts on Simaudio 400M driving Magico Mini IIs?
Does anyone remember the high praise heaped upon Magico Mini IIs way back in about 2010? Well, I happen to own a pair of these and will probably never get rid of them. What I am considering is an amplifier upgrade and, after considerable research, and preceding a forthcoming live demo, I'm curious to hear what the Magico devotees among you think about pairing the Mini IIs with Simaudio 400M monoblocks. The Minis are 4-ohm speakers, with recommended amplification between 50w - 200w, which I find to be an underestimation by a longshot. Right now I'm driving them with a Musical Fidelity M6PRX dual mono amp (230w @ 8 ohms), which is a decent match for the Minis up to a point. The Minis are notoriously hard to drive, and the Simaudio 400M would barely breathe heavy with 650w @ 4 ohms. The upgrade in amplification plus going to monoblocks I think would bring out even more of what makes the Mini IIs so exceptional. I have a relatively small listening room: 11(W) x 10(L), with 10’ of open space behind the listening position where there’s a king-size bed. Good for sound dispersion but 10’ from the front wall is as far back as the listening position will go. The room is a dormered attic with an A-frame ceiling that peaks at 9’. The room is well treated with some Rockwool DIY panels I made myself. You can see pics here:
I listen mostly to jazz, Americana, singer-songwriter, electronica, blues, and some hard rock. Another option I was considering is a Hegel H30. I know the Minis are typically paired with Pass, Rowland, VTL, Mark Levinson, to name a few. My local dealer sells Simaudio, Hegel, Audio Research, Spectral, Belo Canto, Musical Fidelity, and Boulder. So these are what I can reasonably demo. I'm looking for something that can easily drive the Minis with headroom to spare. What are your thoughts?
I listen mostly to jazz, Americana, singer-songwriter, electronica, blues, and some hard rock. Another option I was considering is a Hegel H30. I know the Minis are typically paired with Pass, Rowland, VTL, Mark Levinson, to name a few. My local dealer sells Simaudio, Hegel, Audio Research, Spectral, Belo Canto, Musical Fidelity, and Boulder. So these are what I can reasonably demo. I'm looking for something that can easily drive the Minis with headroom to spare. What are your thoughts?