Thoughts on PS Audio's SuperLink Gen II DAC

I'm upgrading my Cambridge Audio D500 by adding a DAC, and my dealer is graciously letting me audition several DACs. After turning the first couple down, I've found one that I like. It's a used, nearly mint condition PS Audio Superlink Generation Two. Though I've nearly made up my mind to buy the piece, I'd like to see if anyone has had any experience with it. I've found next to nothing on the internet about it. It's built like a tank, though I think it's an older model (the circuit board has 1992 etched into it). The dealer said it retailed for $1400, and he's asking $350 (it's actually a consignment piece that the owner originally asked $700 for, but couldn't get). It has two co-axial digital ins (switchable), a toslink digital in, and RCA analog outs. It has a very nice liveliness/musicality, and more weight in the low end than the D500, though the D500 seemed to have slightly more control over the bass lines. The superlink isn't capable of revealing any more (or less) detail than the D500. The D500 seems to have better accuracy, but sounds somewhat dull and flat in comparison. My favorite thing about the Superlink is also my least favorite thing. It's very musical, and makes almost all my CD's sound good, some very good. The D500 on the other hand, is quicker to point out flaws in the recordings. This makes me think that the D500 is truer to what's actually recorded on the CD than the Superlink is. So it bothers me to think that the Superlink is making my recordings sound better because it's not reproducing the material as faithfully as the D500 (I think it has a bump in the midrange). Still, the Superlink DOES make me enjoy the music more, and that's what counts. It just makes the gear-lover in me struggle with the music-lover in me a bit (to think that I'm spending money on a piece of gear that is going to give me less accuracy). As a side note, the Superlink DAC may be too bright in some systems. I have laid back cabling (Transparent Audio), and a laid back warmish integrated amp (Audio Refinement Complete) that seemed to complement the lively Superlink. My speakers are Monitor Audio 5i's, which are slightly bright. When I switched out the T/A Super interconnects with some cheap Monsters laying around, the sound was a bit too bright. On another side note, the Superlink DAC sounded better with my Hitachi DVD player as the transport, than it did with my Cambridge D500 as the transport. So I'll probably sell my D500 which will pay for a lot of the Superlink. What a deal. I'll be that much closer to my next upgrade which will be a sub. It's between the REL Strata III and an NHT offering (since my dealer carries NHT and I can audition first and it's cheaper). Please let me know if anyone else has any experience with the PS Audio Superlink II.


Showing 1 response by pugstub

I would avoid any digital equipment designed prior to the last couple of years. Digital has made some stunning advancements with products such as the MSB Link DAC and the Perpetual Technologies stuff. The difference between the newer stuff and the Superlink would be like night and day.
I used to own a Superlink and and just offering my honest opinion.