Thoughts on Phantom vs Copperhead?

Hi folks,I have a good friend who is considering moving from a Phantom to the Copperhead....

He is a serious LP collector(with a superb system),and obviously likes the superb Phantom alot.I DO too,but he has asked me to get "any" feedback on the comparison,or "consideration of one over the other" that I can....Hence,this post!!...

Btw,the table he has(like myself)is the latest SOTA COSMOS,with a Transfig Orpheus cartridge.His speaker is the Magico Mini,run by high res electronics.

Any thoughts would be welcome..

Showing 5 responses by sirspeedy

Halcro,nice to hear from you.I'm really glad you got things worked out(I should be so lucky,as of late)!!

Very interesting point,you make as to differing but equal perspectives!!I say this because you were SO into the "Snake" thing,way back.-:)

Btw,my son is visiting Australia soon,the lucky dude!NO,NO he has NOT the slightest interest in Audio.He loves tennis though,but I can still kick his butt rather easily-:)

Actually he likes live music enough to go twice a week to Carnegie Hall,and "yes" he likes to spend money...........We should all be so fortunate -:)
My friend simply likes to move about from time to time.

I've tried, many times. to "hint" he's basically "done" from a "sonic" standpoint,but now I just "go" with his prediliction to add an "air" of improvement,by spending on new stuff a few times a year.
What can I say?I'm just the messenger! -:)
Nadal winning Wimbledon,would be akin to me getting my rig's gremlins worked out bt labor day(here in the U.S.)...

Basically a good chance,but don't go to Vegas with it!

Ya gotta use more wrist,and less shoulder,but still take the ball on the rise!This allows for quick direction changes too -:)Sadly,one needs young legs to do this consistently.

BTW,I've been spending more time at the gym,and alot less on a court.I don't feel so bad....because now in my fifties,there is a nice bit of aches and pains from a good "hit"!....ALOT more for "me"!!....I got so I could not sit through a movie,after playing singles,even two days later(won't play doubles)due to aches and pains.Why?.....Because I'm old!!-:)....In damn good shape too,but fagedabout serious tennis for me anymore....."Badabing"!

But being able to have a really lengthly listening session really takes the mind off stress/pain....No?...I really love being snowbound in winter and cracking into my big music collection!


Btw,I "always" knew there was more to your Davinci!I'm really happy for you!!
Raul he is NOT unhappy,but since he is going to send in his Cosmos and pre/phono for updating this month,he figures he would like to check out "all" possible" ways to realistically improve his set-up,all in one shot.

The guy has a few bucks,and spends it on his passions.There "are" worse ways to spend one's money!

Btw,since the orig post(by me,for him)he has decided not to sell his Phantom....

Yet,he is "constantly" looking for ways to improve his set-up.What can I say?...

As long as it makes him happy,as he is a really good guy!
