Thoughts on Overlord 12AX7-HD / ECC803S-HD tubes

Hi everyone

I stumbled onto a listing about Overlord 12AX7-HD tubes but didn't find much info on them.

Here are some videos

audio system using these Overlord tubes playing music.

When I looked at some information about them the info was vague.

Has anyone heard about these tubes or used them in their systems? IF so what are your thoughts. From looking at these tubes I think they are a dressed up 12AX7s.

Thanks and I honestly have no affiliation with the seller of these tubes or the company that makes them. I'm just curious about them.

Showing 2 responses by jedinite24

Hey everyone.

Thanks for your input and I agree with a lot of your points. Part of me thinks the person who made and selling these tubes is trying to test how gullible people are. Dressed up tube, fancy packaging, some hype and they will make a quick buck.

Other than the dressing on the top and the rings on the bottom of the tubes I can't see what is SO different about these tubes vs. other 12AX7 tubes that would make them so remarkable sounding. If I had the money to burn I'd buy these tubes, look at them closely and see what is up but alas I do not.

Thanks again.
Sorry for the late reply. I lost track of this thread. Appreciate your thoughts on this break12.