Thoughts on moving from a 1200G to Sota Saphire or above

Two different animals, I know. I’ve read some pretty decent reviews on the Sota’s with the vacuum option and intrigued. We’re always looking for that little extra something, something. I’m interested in retrieving a bit more detail and upping the sound stage. 
Maybe this would be a lateral move? Maybe I should change my cart? Something else? Be happy and spin vinyl? Thanks for your feedback. 
Technics 1200G
Ortofon Cadenza Black
Herron VTPH-2A phono preamp
Audible Illusions L2 Line Stage
Levinson 532-H
B&W 803 D2 speakers
AQ McKenzie interconnects for phono

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Showing 23 responses by bfoura

I use Baerwald but curious if anyone had success with a different approach. On 1200 I had before the Technics overhang gauge did the job but that was not with a Candenza Black. 
I’m targeting a Sapphire III with a vacuum. Also has a SME V arm. I can check it out in person and not have to risk shipping. I can see that it works properly but can’t listen to it cause a cart is not installed. 
“Not everyone has an extraordinary hearing ability, especially at certain age.” I can relate to that Chakster. I do like my table Dionisofun but just wondering if I can up the game. Getting another arm and cart might be an option but that would probably cost me $5k. Need consider if I want to invest that much in the 1200G. One comment I’ve heard more than once with the Sota on this thread is the black background. That sounds interesting. Do other 1200G/GAE owners feel their tables do the same? 
I’ve been looking at carts this evening. Looking to stay in the $3K + - range. Does anyone know the effective mass on the 1200 G arm? 
There is some compelling info shared here on both options. I’ve learned of some good options of tonearms I’ve never heard before. Searches for 1200 tone arm replacements have yielded so-so results. But, all these tone arms look to be around $5K? $3K or less is where I would be right now. One benefit from a tonearm upgrade is my wife wouldn’t notice a new turntable, like with a Sota on the rack, lol. On the Sota side, there are some strong opinions that it would out perform a 1200 in my system so lots to consider before I check out the Sapphire III next week. 
Thank you for the tonearm info. I have a Cadenza Black on this table. I need to double check if it’s a good compliance match. 
@tomic601 i was thinking of upgrading my IC’s to phono preamp to amp. I just leaned about lower capacitance IC’s for TT’s, so they got me thinking if that could make an improvement. I have my 1200G on a Auralex isolation platforms for TT’s. Probably could upgrade that as their is a skip when I step too hard on this one section of my floor. 
Regarding cart @chakster, I appreciate the feedback. I’ve kind of built my system to accommodate the low output of the Cadenza Black and would like to stay in that performance range. To compare, I may order a cart from a place I can return if it doesn’t best the Cadenza.   
Thanks for sharing the sound hi fi link, @rogerstaton. Definitely something to consider. Always learn something new on Audiogon. 
“I think you should spend $ on Fire Level or better IC out of table and phono, different cartridge and isolation for table. Maybe not in that order.” @tomic601 are you referring to AQ Fire interconnects? I couldn’t find a Fire Level interconnect doing a search. Only found the Fire IC’s. 
No DIN. RCA on back. Been thinking about getting better IC’s for the TT/Phono Preamp/Amp. Not ready to spend $4,500 on one pair of interconnects. I’m demoing a pair of Earth I think makes a difference in my system but haven’t hooked them up to my table yet. 
You think the Stillponts make a difference with the Herron? 
What’s the feedback on the 1200G arm vs. the SME V arm on the Sota I’m considering? 
The owner also says the Sota has the electronic fly wheel and along with the latest generation motor. How would the latest fly wheel and motor compare to what’s offered on the 1200G? Thx. 
Yes, I agree, the 1200G arm is no slouch. If I wanted to upgrade I’ve learned of some nice arms to upgrade through this thread. In a previous post on this thread I mentioned having a AQ Earth IC on demo and would move it from the table to my phono preamp. It’s not an Earth but a Water IC. I also realized I had an AQ Sydney coming out of the table and not a McKenzie. I have a McKenzie going from the phono to the preamp. Anyhow, I replaced the Sydney with the Water and noticed a difference with one album side. Before I say conclusively it was the Water that moved the needle, I’m going to relisten to a couple of albums I played recently to see if there is a difference. I’ll share my findings later. 
Not fussy is one of the attributes I like about the 1200G too. I would say it’s neutral. I think dynamic is the descriptor where I’m looking for more. But, other things could contribute to that like cart, preamp, speakers, etc. I listened to a couple other album sides using the AQ Water IC from phono to preamp and with the other two album sides I could here a more dynamic presentation compared with the IC I use regularly. I can’t help but think how what the improvement would be with another Water going from phono preamp to line stage. Investing in two Water IC’s would be close to $1400 for me. I know there would be an improvement but from a cost benefit ratio, not sure I would hear $1400 of improvement. If I were to move on to more phono specific IC’s I’d look at companies that allow for an upgrade at most or all of original purchase value like with Transparent Cable or similar. 
@pani limited dynamics could be a product of the table. I guess the only way to know would be to bring another one in my system to compare so need to see if I can swing that financially. Would be fun to do an A/B test. Maybe that’s what I’ll do with the Sota or another table. Right now the Sota intrigues me the most. I played an album on my 1200G yesterday and noticed the vinyl had a slight warp and was thinking the Sota would flatten that record out. I have a Funk Achromat on my 1200G and it doesn’t leave enough spindle to place a clamp on top which would help some with warped records. 
I read recently that a low capacitance cable also help with carts. Any suggestions other than Fire IC’s that make good RCA to RCA phono IC’s? 
Hey Chakster, I was actually looking at those Zu cables this week. They seem reasonably priced and I like the return policy. Speaking of return policy, I’m probably going to order a cart from Music Direct because I can return/exchange a cart if I don’t like it. I’m targeting a brand where I can get the cart rebuilt by the company when it wears out. In my price range it’s the Van Den Hul Frog, Soundsmith low output and the Kiseki Purple Heart. Also open to options under $3K. 
@pani i read your previous post about 1200G vs. SP10 mk2. I’m in Houston now and see one on Craigs with an SME arm. Comes with a nice custom plinth. Looks like it can accommodate a second arm. The price for this one is more than $1,000 lower than the Sota but a little concerned about the age. Is this worth taking a look? 
Well, like the Sota, the benefit of making a road trip is being able to transport it home and avoid shipping. The buyer is asking $3500 with reasonable offers accepted. Maybe going down a rabbit hole with this one. 
@mijostyn thanks for the feedback on the Sota. You give me a lot to think about. I could try it and if I don’t like it go back to the 120G as others have done. I plan on checking out the Sota today or tomorrow. As far as the SP10, unless I can pick it up for a song, don’t think I’ll make a move on it. Just too last minute of a discovery to vett out during my brief stay in H-Town. 
We’ll, looks like I’m going to stay with my 1200G for now. I’m still considering the Sota and if still available in a few weeks might make a move on it. First, I’m going to try a new cart and hear how that sounds it’s my table and system. I do have a NOS Benz Micro Glider 577 with .9mv output I’ve been sitting on for years. Any thoughts on how that would work in my system or compared to my Cadenza Black? 
Also, for the 1200G owners what geometry do you all use to set up your carts. I have a Feickert system and have three choices: Baerwald, Logren or Stevenson. Thx. 
@needfreestuff I think I’ve come to that realization. Kind of hard to fathom when you have a $2800 cartridge. I’d like to keep the replacement in that price range. Looking for options. Please share any suggestions. Thx. 
@jdal I’ve thought about the Purple Heart and the Kleos. There seems to be more reviews/feedback on the Purple Heart versus the Kleos. What makes you think you wouldn’t like the Kleos on the 1210? With the removable headshell why haven’t you tried it on the 1210?