Thoughts on Legacy Focus SE vs Kef R7 or 11 vs Revel F208 or 228Be

I would greatly appreciate some input please on the above mentioned speakers. My baseline is the Legacy Focus SE which I’ve listened to quite a bit and would like to know how they compare with the KEF R7 or R11, and the Revel F208 or 228Be. The KEFs and Revels both seem to get glowing reviews, but I don’t have the ability at the moment to audition them. I’m looking for a reasonably wide sweet spot and a sound stage with clear imaging, all other things being equal. Any thoughts on how the R7/R11s compare, and the same for the Revels? I’ve been reading reviews till I’m cross-eyed. I’ll be using a Parasound A21+ to run these so I think I’ve got sufficient power, thanks!
Appreciate the input, thank you.  Since I posted the question I had a chance to audition the Kef R7, BW 604d and Paradigm Persona 3F.  Liked the 3f the best, felt the most engaging. Came across some reviews of the Focal Kanto 2 and it seems to get praise for being a lively and dynamic sound, apparently more so than the 228Be which had been my first choice.  Hoping to find a Kanto to audition, but not very common.
Of the brands you mention I’ve heard B&W 804, Paradigm 3f and Revel 226be. I liked the Revels best of those, nice dispersion, very smooth coherent speaker that disappears. You might like a different sound.
djones51, thanks.  When I demoed the 228s, their 226s were out on loan so didn't get a chance to hear them.  Several reviews have commented that the 226s might not have quite enough bass for some people.  Do you recall your impression in that regard?