Thoughts on attenuating 1/4 wave cancellation

Among other things, I would like to address the 1/4 wave cancellation coming from the wall behind my speakers. I would like to avoid soffit mounting, as that would require building a new wall, and after all of that I would end up with a fixed speaker position.

My room is solely for audio, so I need not worry about aesthetic issues arising out of bass trap placement. If I were to place a big (e.g., 24" diameter) ASC tube trap against each side of the speaker, and maybe one more behind and to the outside of each of these, it seems to me that the bass waves heading backwards would be significantly attenuated and the cancellation would be significantly reduced. This might help reduce edge diffraction, too, but I am far out of my element with most of these acoustic phenomena.

I am hoping that someone can debunk this notion before I buy the extra tube traps and discover the hard way that it was a boneheaded idea.

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The deployment of the speakers and listening position is constantly varying, so I hope to keep the discussion general and related to the possibility of soaking up low frequency bass backwash. Will that generally work, or is there some flaw in the concept? A few general parameters follow:

The room is 18' deep, 23' wide, and 8' high. Speakers along the long wall, placed out from that wall from 3 feet to about 8 feet.

Listening position varies, naturally, but I try to keep it far enough from the back wall so as to avoid bass enhancement from proximity to the wall.

20" tube traps in corners. Various Realtraps and Echobusters here and there.

For present purposes, let's assume speakers about 4.5 feet from the wall, 10 feet apart, listening position about 5 feet from the back wall. The 1/4 wave cancellation centers at about 63 Hz (86Hz/distance from wall in meters), and corresponding hump is at about 126Hz. If I deploy like this, the measurements with an SPL meter are uncannily precisely just like the calculation. Indeed, no matter what the distance to the wall, the cancellation is as calculated.

I've had very good luck attenuating floor and ceiling reflection cancellations with Realtraps, so I would hope to be able to extend the concept to the front wall reflection, despite the fact that it is a much lower frequency.

Thanks for giving it some thought.