Thoughts on adding a Super tweeter .

I have posted something like this before,but thought I may ask for follow up input.
I already have a superb tweeter,ruler flat to 25khz(titanium),yet wonder if something like the Townshend(it starts to come in above 20 khz,and goes out to a zillion khz,almost)or Murata(comes in at 15 khz,Too low?, goes to a trillion,just kidding btw,)would add "real world"enhancements to my existing set-up.I have NO problems,with high freq performance,as of now,yet in this hobby,one can always be surprised.
Any thoughts would be most appreciated!


Showing 1 response by shadorne

Most likely the benefits of adding inaudible content are inaudible.

It is known that sharp filters to remove out of band noise can effect the "in band" sound, however, that seems to be the only convincing argument for greater bandwidth (well beyond what you can hear) in audio reproduction.