Thoughts/experiences with VMPS

I've been pretty intrigued with ribbon drivers and have seen some good things about the results VMPS is getting with their implementation of that technology. I'm particularly interested in the new RM30, but any feedback from those who have heard this or other models would be appreciated. Also, how they compare to others you've heard/owned would be nice for reference. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by calanctus

I've been searching for a speaker that is better than my VMPS 626Rs (all upgrades except silver wire) for the past year. I have not yet found anything that is clearly better for less than $7000 (speakers were $3700 including custom stands). In that time I've auditioned well over 20 different brands of speakers. My search is not because I'm unhappy with the VMPS--far from it--more like upgrade-itis.