Those who seek to deny access to information

Like many/most here, one of the main reasons I frequent audiogon is to gather information. I am looking for ways to enhance the enjoyment I get from listening to music on my system. The information most valuable to me comes from those who share their actual experience with products that I am interested in, but have not heard in my system.

The audio community is a diverse one, with many opinions, ideas and perspectives. Many of them differ from mine, and that is fine. Those who disagree with me are free to make posts and start threads about whatever they choose. This doesn’t bother me, I am free to choose what I read, and what I don’t.

What does rile me up up is deliberate attempts to deny me (and others) access to the information that I value. There are some here who repeatedly seek to disrupt, sidetrack, derail, and shut down conversations about topics and products that trigger them. They do not contribute any useful information or experience to the discussion, and make disparaging comments about things they have zero experience with. They are bullies who mock, ridicule and provoke those who use, make and sell certain products. They seek to stifle any discussions about, and especially positive opinions of, the products and people they clearly have a vendetta against.

They can start their own threads, and talk about what a fool I am all day long, I don’t care. Their deliberate and repeated attempts to deny myself and others access to the information we value, however, are intolerable.


Showing 5 responses by holmz

Exactly how does anyone on this site "deny access to information" to another poster? 

In the windmills of our minds?

I have seen some negative posts, but the OP one, is a doozy.

In defense of Audio-gone, it is a business, not an strictly a site for science, truth, etc.

For a person that has a “god inspired” moniker of a user name, you do not convey the loving side that we often hear about.

I think “audio-gone” describes things when there is little audio talk, and mostly it is your vexation with wires, vexation with who is given a timeout, etc.
(It’s just about every gossip piece, and little that is audio related.)

I am not sure you are experienced to speak on lamp cord if you have not used the product? You should only comment on what you have personally heard.

If we can get one factual post or measurement with a cable or fuse, that would do a lot more to convince me than a hundred people spruiking the latest thing that appears like it could be complete none-sense.

If you @thyname have a short attention span I can highlight the parts of the OP’s post for you to pay attention to:

Like many/most here, one of the main reasons I frequent audiogon is to gather information. I am looking for ways to enhance the enjoyment I get from listening to music on my system. The information most valuable to me comes from those who share their actual experience with products that I am interested in, but have not heard in my system.

The audio community is a diverse one, with many opinions, ideas and perspectives. Many of them differ from mine, and that is fine. Those who disagree with me are free to make posts and start threads about whatever they choose. This doesn’t bother me, I am free to choose what I read, and what I don’t.

What does rile me up up is deliberate attempts to deny me (and others) access to the information that I value. There are some here who repeatedly seek to disrupt, sidetrack, derail, and shut down conversations about topics and products that trigger them. They do not contribute any useful information or experience to the discussion, and make disparaging comments about things they have zero experience with. They are bullies who mock, ridicule and provoke those who use, make and sell certain products. They seek to stifle any discussions about, and especially positive opinions of, the products and people they clearly have a vendetta against.

They can start their own threads, and talk about what a fool I am all day long, I don’t care. Their deliberate and repeated attempts to deny myself and others access to the information we value, however, are intolerable.

I honestly did not see the point of the OP’s post, but you‘ve done a good job of assisting me on the derailing side.

This is very funny! That does not prevent you one bit from posting non-stop for things you never heard.

I suppose that it does sound more farcical when I echo those words back.


Are you sure? Please define "factual post". Does sharing one’s experience of owning and using a product count? Also, nobody is here to convince you or anybody on anything. I for one couldn’t care less about convincing you.

You seem to care, as you go on non-stop on my cables.

An opinion is not a fact. It is maybe an alternate truth, or something… It is basically just a story.


With a little bit of digging there exists more than sufficient measurements and certifications (if necessary) available about cables and fuses from responsible and reputable manufacturers.

All in about one or two lines of information.

Problem is that they don’t cost anywhere near enough. That surely can’t be right, can it?

Yeah @noske when there are no specs I get hairs on my neck twitching.

Even a 25 cent fuse meets spec, but the SR ones, have not UL rating, and teh snake oil cables are also cloaked in a lack of specs.


I think it is pretty obvious our educational system is not working.

That is a great line @mijostyn 

Once again:

     No one can possibly tell you whether/how your system, room and/or ears will respond to some new addition.   There are simply too many variables.

     LIKEWISE: no one can possibly know whether a new addition (ie: some kind of disc, crystal, fuse, interconnect, cable, etc)  will make a difference, in their system and room, with their media and to their ears, without actually TRYING them for themselves.   

     Some companies offer a 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee, so- those that are actually interested, have absolutely nothing to lose, by trying (experimenting with) such.     

     Anyone that knows anything about the sciences, realizes that something like 96% of what makes up this universe, remains a mystery.       

     For centuries; humanity’s seen, heard, felt and otherwise witnessed phenomena, that none of the best minds could explain, UNTIL they developed a science or measurement, that could explain it.     

     The Naysayer Church wants you to trust their antiquated science (1800’s electrical theory) and faith-based, religious doctrine, BLINDLY ("Trust ME!"). 

     Theories have never proven or disproven anything.  It’s INVARIABLY testing and experimentation that proves or disproves theories/hypotheses.   

    IF you’re interested in the possibility of improving your system’s presentation, have a shred of confidence in your capacity for perceiving reality and trust your own senses: actually TRY whatever whets your aural appetite, FOR YOURSELF.         

                      The Naysayer Church HATES it, when THAT happens! 

                                         btw: tommylion= +1 (overall)

@rodman99999 really?
Who is making it some kind of competition?

And back to the 1800s, I do not believe that we had amplifiers, nor phono amps. It is not like engineers that design these things since the mid 1900s were using incantations and Magic spells.

It is about the farthest thing from a church, on the naysayer side. It is more like a church on the “trust me” side.

I am not against the idea of some of the stuff working, but when the manufacturer cannot explain how they work, then it gets a bit hard to abide taking a chance on.

Similarly when the cables have no specs, it get difficult to want to try them.

If you want to donate to their cause, no one is stopping you. I’d rather spend on hardware.