Those who seek to deny access to information

Like many/most here, one of the main reasons I frequent audiogon is to gather information. I am looking for ways to enhance the enjoyment I get from listening to music on my system. The information most valuable to me comes from those who share their actual experience with products that I am interested in, but have not heard in my system.

The audio community is a diverse one, with many opinions, ideas and perspectives. Many of them differ from mine, and that is fine. Those who disagree with me are free to make posts and start threads about whatever they choose. This doesn’t bother me, I am free to choose what I read, and what I don’t.

What does rile me up up is deliberate attempts to deny me (and others) access to the information that I value. There are some here who repeatedly seek to disrupt, sidetrack, derail, and shut down conversations about topics and products that trigger them. They do not contribute any useful information or experience to the discussion, and make disparaging comments about things they have zero experience with. They are bullies who mock, ridicule and provoke those who use, make and sell certain products. They seek to stifle any discussions about, and especially positive opinions of, the products and people they clearly have a vendetta against.

They can start their own threads, and talk about what a fool I am all day long, I don’t care. Their deliberate and repeated attempts to deny myself and others access to the information we value, however, are intolerable.


Showing 3 responses by femoore12

No matter where you go, there is always a "brute squad" that attempts to impose their personal view of the world. These are the kids that colored inside the lines when they were young. Now they yell at clouds. Trying to get them to think outside their little mental box is pointless. It's like trying to convince a brick that it can fly. 

What I have noticed is almost none of them post what music they are playing. I am beginning to believe most of them don't actually own any audio gear at all. 

Ignore them and play more music. 

I thought everyone knew that If you take pictures of your equipment it will steal it’s soul, thus degrading it’s ability to reproduce music. 

@dabel It’s true! It’s part of the never ending upgrade cycle. You have to buy new stuff since it won’t sound as good. That’s why they want you to post photos of your system….. they’re all in cahoots…