Those singers you enjoy,....that don't really have a great voice?

There have been successful singers in almost any style that realistically did not have a "golden" voice.  Perhaps guilty pleasures.  Who are yours?


Showing 7 responses by edcyn

I'm enjoying all shall I say...quirky ones. In any case, when it comes to pop/rock/folk music, quirkiness, personality and delivery are much more important than actual vocal chops.

Okay -- you guys found one I can swing with... Utterly no voice. But capable of delivering the real true center of a song. Leonard Cohen.

To me, Roy Orbison had one of the greatest voices ever in popular music. Lovely tone. Gorgeous diction. Whether or not it suits traditional operatic requirements, his low register to high register yodeling was masterful. He delivered the lyrics with unerring passion and inevitability.

Zevon was a passable singer at best. He's another folk rocker I saw at the Troubadour (and another recording artist who showed up at one of my sister's parties). Jagger's voice was unpolished to say the least, but it had charisma and integrity to spare.

Fun thread! Lots of artists I love to lampoon. There's my whiny falsetto Neil Young. My grunty Joe Cocker. My still lower-pitched grunty Tom Waits.

@ticat To my ears, David Bowie possessed one of the finest singing voices ever. Tone. Diction. Range. Emotional expression. To be sure, there were a number of albums where he went to places his voice perhaps should not have gone, but being unafraid of pushing  boundaries was an essential aspect of his genius.