thorens td 125 or 3001BC?

i own both the above decks. neither has been used for years but vinyl beckons and it's time to get one of them sorted properly. 125 has a 7o's sme arm, 3001 a thorens version of the rega 300.i guess arm upgrade as a minimum. so i will sell one to go towards the fund for the other. but which one. first bit of feedback from a uk forum is sell the however there seems to be a lot of upgrade info for the 125 but cant find anything for the for comments, advice, experience etc! i'm in the uk. rest of system is krell and sonus faber.
i know 125 is good. but there dont seem to be as many 'improvers' in the uk as in the states. whereas 3001 is well engineered but no-one has heard of it.... i think there was a 2001 as well.