thorens 160

I just bought a thorens 160, which I believe is in good shape, I know more when it arrives this week. It seems that the table is partially disassembled for shipping. What should I do prior to putting it all back together? Any helpful hints are appreciated? jj

Showing 3 responses by jonjacques

well the table is here, and somewhere along the line the motor shaft seems to be bent and I get some noise from the belt roaming about on the plastic shaft. Some have said to oil it and it might "straighen up" and spin right. I guess I can live with some noise, as replacing the motor is probably a hassle not to mention expensive. Otherwise it looks good, the arm is OK. I am thinking about putting an SME 3009 arm on it. Any ideas or thoughts are appreciated?
audio asylum posts indicate that the motor shafts can be bent and apparently that is why the post was added. Anyway when I turn it on without the platter the shaft is wobbles and the plastic shaft wobbles and the belt noise seems to come from it tracking around. I don't have a SME arm yet, although I would like to install one at some point.
e-mailed thorens today, needle doctor doesn't have that one. fed-ex pinheads showed up today--yep it bent alright--and another one on Monday to look at the box--yep it a box alright, dah maybe shouldn't drop them from the planes, hic, hic. The thing plays ok, and what's a bent motor shaft in the big picture anyway!