This Schitt is totally refreshing in the world of high end audio!

Do yourself a favor and watch this when you have a few quiet moments.

The guys from Schitt Audio talk candidly in a way that is almost abnormal for manufacturers.  I found it informative, hilarious at times, and totally refreshing.

Showing 4 responses by 213runnin

I’ve currently got a Saga, Gungnir Multibit and my latest acquisition, the Vidar. Each component has been an improvement over what it replaced, and the Vidar is no exception. Dynamic, open, detailed and effortless sounding.

It has more/better bass than the 200 wpc Adcom it replaced. I preferred the Adcom over the Nad C375BEE it replaced. The Emotiva XPA amp I had sucked by comparison. I’m telling you, Schiit Audio is for real.

They are like Carver from the 80’s.
I’ve read many of the book chapters and every new chapter from 2018 on.  It’s an inside look at how a small company makes it in today’s marketplace.

bstatmeister, you’re going to be impressed with the Saga.  It is so faithful to the music and transparent.  Be aware that as a passive pre, it doesn’t increase the volts before sending it to the amp, so a volume around 1-2 o’clock is not uncommon, or louder depending on the efficiency of your speakers and your volume preferences.

I was of the opinion that the tube buffer didn’t have any affect, until I inserted the Vidar.  With a really transparent amp, the tube does make a difference, it’s fuller sounding without overdoing it.

It’s going to be a great year for Schiit.  Uh, you know what I mean!  The Aegir, the Sol and then the upgraded integrated amp. -  Ragnarok.

its no wonder that a “fake news” forum was started just to attack them and their excellent products.  And this same ste seems to love one particular competitor.  It doesn’t matter though, as soon as anyone tries a Schiit dac or headphone amp, the truth gets out, one customer at  a time.
Clearthink, try not to stoop to bigotry.  Surely in this forum I should think there’s room for Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Christians and such without people taking shots at their various holy men.