This is good Schiit...

Hang on... this is a long one...

So I had never tried anything from Schiit Audio before in my nearly 30 years messing around in mid-fi gear.  I have owned many, many amps, preamps, integrated amps, CD players, DACs, etc.  Most individual units were ranged between $500 to maybe $6,000 (retail), but the majority were purchased used.

So I was messing around on YouTube one day and saw some videos on the Schiit Freya+ tube preamp.  I have always been a fan of a tube preamp + big SS amplifier.... just always preferred this setup generally.  So after seeing what these were selling for used (and the fact that I much preferred the black finish - harder to find), I decided to just order a new one from Schiit and give it a try.  Even if it suck or was Schiity, I could sell it for a decent price and only lose maybe $200 or so.  At the same time, I ordered a couple matched quads of old NOS RCA & Sylvania tubes.

Having owned much more expensive SS & tube preamps in the past, I was fairly surprised with the sound straight out of the box.  As a few music sessions went by over the next month or so, it got better and better sounding.  I was using a Parasound A23+ amp with it at the time and a Bluesound Node 2i for a streamer/DAC up front. 

Then seeing several other videos on YouTube about the Schiit Aegir amplifiers... I decided to buy a pair of those and give them a try.  I was also shocked at what they sounded like, especially at that asking price... HUGE bank for the buck in my opinion. 

Then, after watching more videos on YouTube about the new Tyr mono blocks, I bought a pair of those to try.  I have been going back-n-forth between these amps on/off for the last few weeks - still trying to decide which ones I prefer... they both sound fantastic and are a ridiculous value I feel.

So this brings me to my question (finally, I know)... since I seem to have a serious fondness so far for this Schiit and I am only running a Bluesound Node 2i for both streamer & DAC duty... maybe I give one of their DACs a try also???  Would it make a significant difference???

My experiences with DACs (and I have tried many) left me satisfied with the sound from the BS Node 2i alone.  When trying different DACs in the past, with decent cables, etc., the sonic differences were very minor to my ears. 

One specific comparison was when I had the BS Node 2i hooked up with both a pair of Clear Day silver RCA cables out and a nice Furutech digital cable out.  I sent the digital stream into an MHDT Orchid tube DAC w/ the highly recommend NOS Western Electric tube, then the same Clear Day RCA cables continued onto the integrated amplifier (Plinius 8100).  The other Clear Day silver RCA went directly from the BS Node 2i into the integrated amplifier.  The power cord on the BS Node 2i was a Nordost Purple Flare and the power cords on the MHDT DAC and the Plinius integrated were both LessLoss DFPC Signature (so I am not hooking all this up with basic/cheap cables at all).  All of this was plugged into a BPT line conditioner.

So cue up some music stream from Tidal and go back-n-forth on the two different inputs on-the-fly....differences?  Yes, but not that much...  not NEARLY enough to justify the additional costs of the DAC, tube & cables I felt.

So does anyone have actual experience with using a Bluesound Node 2i alone and then upgrading to a better external DAC and just using the BS Node 2i for streaming duty?  I understand that there are many out there that downplay the BS Node capabilities as a DAC, but let's not make a comparison to a streamer/DAC that cost $8,000... let's really compare apples to apples.

I do not have a huge issue with buying Schiit's best DAC, but I feel like it would take that unit to have me hearing a worthwhile difference.

Thanks for your attention and any/all advice is much appreciated.


Showing 7 responses by audiofreak32

I think that's a bit of a stretch... But if you think spending that much more money gets you that much better sound, that's great. I have other things in my life I need to worry about as well.

I think there are a lot of people out there that Think that their gear sounds so much better just because they spend a lot more money on it.   I have seen that way too many times.

The 15-day return thing with Schiit... I do not feel that is nearly enough time to properly break-in and demo anything really.  But, like you said... even if it sucked (doubt that), I could sell and only lose a bit of coin.

I ordered the best unit that PD Creative had... only a few hundred cost w/ the best external PS.  I will give that a try.  Only thing is that the installation instructions on the website are in Polish.

Rather than spend over $2k on on outboard DAC + cables, I want to try and pressurize my room with a Rythmik G25HP sub - already running stereo Rythmik F12's.  😀

So I was leaning towards the cheapest one (is that the R2R), "warmest top end version?  Wish I could find a used one in black for a decent price.  I might as well just get the thing and try it. 

So interesting turn of events...

I thought for sure that I was going to keep the Tyr amps and sell may pair of Aegir amps.  They definitely had more power output (of course), but there seemed to be something missing.  The Aegir have a "sweetness" to them is the best way I can describe it.  The low end in noticeably deeper - like driving into the floor deep and weighty.  Maybe not quite as fast/articulate, but to my ears noticeably more real.  The Tyr bass was more lean, but I suppose more "correct".  The top end on the Tyr had a sharpness to them at times, especially when I was pushing the music hard.  The Aegir never really did that... more rolled off top end maybe... more tube like?

So I contacted Schiit and said that I wanted to return the Tyr amps and said that I would be happy to exchange + cash for a new, black Yggy (less is more version).  We will see what happens on Monday I guess.

So here is another NEW question:  coming out of the Bluesound Node 2i... I happen to have an Audioquest MaKenzie cable that is digital RCA to what looks like an XLR.... maybe this is an AES/EBU?  Should I connect them together this way?  A little birdie told me that this is one of the best ways to connect a streamer into a DAC.

I am going to try the Yggy DAC and see what happens... the good news is the resale value... compare that to these high-end DACs that people are buying for $8k-15k and then trying to unload for half that (or less)... no thanks.

I feel that the BS Node 2i (especially that version - not the newer one) sounds very good already as a streamer+DAC.  Sure, you can definitely get better sound... but for how much?  Maybe $2k AT LEAST in my opinion to get a worthwhile upgrade.  The issue I have is the app that controls things and the BlueOS is superb, while many others are not.  I am using another 2i on my other system with a pair of Devialet Phantom 1 (108) active speakers, so I am not using the on-board Bluesound DAC, just streaming duty only.

When people slam the sound of the BS alone... my question would be:  what are you comparing it to for $550 that beats it?  The answer is nothing.  I have tried various outboard DACs with this BS Node 2i and even dropping near $2k in DAC _ cables got a BARELY better sound for my ears.  I guess if you are comparing it to a streamer/DAC that is $12,000 USD, then, sure the Bluesound sucks in comparison maybe.

Don't care about how many "bits" or DSD.... I care about the sound - looking for natural and non-fatiguing.