Thinking of taking the plunge.

Thinking of going into streaming. Any advice on equipment between 1 and 2000.00.


Showing 1 response by robshaw

I currently stream via Amazon HD, solely R&R, loudly.  I have a windows based laptop, (2.0 driver installed) USB, to a Benchmark DAC3B, to a Benchmark LA-4 Line amp to an separate amp.. Have a 20' wired connection (2.0 cable) from my DAC to the laptop, at my listening area. Overall a very good system, speakers etc. Around 14k. Other than the attached cord, The streaming is fabulous, sound to me GREAT. Laptop with Amazon  HD sits on table right next to me and I navigate withe a wireless mouse. Only real cost is the HD service and the separate DAC. No need for expensive server, plus with the exception of the NODE unit, No one else supports Amazon HD service, Yet. If you don't mind the cord, it works effortlessly.  Robert TN