Thinking of taking the plunge.

Thinking of going into streaming. Any advice on equipment between 1 and 2000.00.


Showing 1 response by larry5729

I have  BlueSound Node 2i.  I wonder if anyone has done a blind test to see if you can hear a difference in comparing a more expensive streamer?  If so, I wonder what you would hear that would motivate you to spend more?  So far, I don't see the value in spending more money.  Also, I would be curious about how many have given up MQA by using digital cable to connect to their amplifier.  How many use Tidal?  How many can hear the difference when playing MQA?  The salesman from The Cable Company suggested giving up MQA and use the better DAC inside my ARCAM.  By doing so, do you give up a significant amount of detail by playing music at a lower resolution.