Thinking of selling my Teres

Hey Guys, I know it's been a while since I posted anything here, but i have been watching!! Since my wife and I split up I've had the upgrade bug big time. I sold the AN CD2, and the home theater stuff is going now. Actually, I'm thinking about getting rid of it all and starting over again.

I guess my question is will I end up kicking myself if I get rid of the Teres? I have a ton of time in building it, and it will always be very special to me. But, like all things I feel it's time for a change. I've also thought about building a new platter for it, maybe the new motor, then going from there.

Getting rid of the rest of the system doesn't bother me in the least. but I have to tell ya, this Teres dilemma is a much harder decision that getting rid of my wife.

Help me out guys, start over or upgrade it? One thing I know for sure is some of the most enjoyable audio conversations I've ever had came from this forum during the construction of the Teres. Man do I miss that!

Showing 3 responses by plato

Hi Mes,

John Miles opening for Tull must have been a great concert. I wish I could've been there. You're welcome for the memory, and I believe you're right that Rebel is the name of the album. I have it in my collection.

And thank you for reminding me that I wanted to play Tull's "Songs from the Wood" album today. I haven't heard it in a while and as I recall it sounds very good on vinyl.

Best regards,


I looked at the pictures of your turntable and it's a work of art and the fact that it makes beautiful music is just the icing on the cake. Since you built it yourself there is an additional attachment. You should never part with that turntable no matter what.

If you're getting antzy then upgrade the cartridge or the phono preamp but KEEP THE TERES! A good source is the heart of the system. Why start all over?

I broke out an old Yes album today and was simply mesmerized by it. I was listening to the side with "Yours is no Disgrace," and it blew my mind. It's clean, it's clear, very dynamic and musical, with powerful articlate lows and fast shimmering highs. It's great how an LP can do that after decades of sitting on a shelf.

I know what you mean about the wife thing. My music system's have been with me since puberty and that's one constant in my life that I won't give up. Women come and go.

I've been married for over 17 years now. I got my wife her own stereo (which sounds pretty good) so she doesn't have to mess with mine. She wouldn't know how to work it anyway.

Same with my car... I bought a stick so my wife doesn't want to learn to drive it. It works for me. :)

Glory, you need to get your priorities straight. What a sap you are!

Wow, I must have really tweaked your button with that little one-liner. I guess I could say a lot of smart, cutting, and clever things here to get back at you, but what would be the point?

I do admit I have a somewhat dominant personality, but I don't alway's get my way and don't expect to. And it's not like I don't take good care of my spouse or my son. The welfare and well-being of my loved ones is a major priority in my life. I view myself as a compassionate and fair-minded person.

In the words of '80's pop singer John Miles:

Music was my first love
And it will be my last
Music of the future
And music of the past

To live without my music
Would be impossible to do
In this world of troubles
My music pulls me through...