Thinking of adding a subwoofer for more bass.

I am running a cayin A50 amplifier with vandersteen 1 speakers and want more bass. I am wondering if a subwoofer will do it for me or is the problem that the signal from the amplifier not sending enough bass to the speakers? The vandersteen's have an 8" woofer.

Thanks for your help!

Showing 1 response by mgrabow

I find it funny that many "audiophiles" will now recommend a sub. There once was a time when your system should not color the music only reproduce it, and a well built speaker (and system) should do this.... Or so I believed....EQ's were a no-no... and a sub where the listener can turn up one portion of the spectrum? Witch Craft...

Having owned the same system in 3 homes, I can tell you that placement fixed my problem. I placed my speakers only about 12 inches (yes more witch craft...I thought we needed the speakers 2 inched from the coffee table to sound good) from the back wall and the bass came to life. Not boomey, but clear and accurate..... and very hard hitting. In my other two homes it was more like 3 to 5 feet...

I also came to realize that not all recordings are created equal. Some recordings are just crap... I am not talking "audiophile crap" but rather a complete lack of bass that the average person can hear. My favorite example is "Rush" I can't listen to it on my high end system without a sub. I play it in my suv with an 8 inch sub or on my home theater system with an 18 inch sub and it sounds great. Michael Buble sound great on any of my systems... The bass drum is deep and rich and you feel every attack...

I like subs. They are a fast easy way to fix a bass lacking room... Moving the speakers was cheaper....