Thinking about the good old days...

I'm definitely  an old geezer, and have a lot of experiences and memories to reflect on.  Lately, I've been remembering the enjoyment of "audio" back when I was just starting down this path: the music was just so amazingly enjoyable and fun.  I think my greatest satisfaction with my own audio stuff was when what-passed-for-my-system was a Fisher 90T tuner/preamp, Fisher 80AZ amp, a University speaker enclosure that I built ftom a lot fitted with 12" University woofer and some University tweeter (I forget what).  The only source was a Lenco turntable with a GE VR2 cartridge.  Dang, that stuff was just so wonderful to my young self!

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I built my first system. Dynaco PAT4 and stereo 80 amp, AR turntable, and AR 4x speakers, tandberg reel to reel.. Took them to college with me! Everyone came into my room for the music. I spoofed everyone into thinking I was receiving WOR fm 250 miles away in Ithaca! I was playing the reel to reel....