Thinking about selling my CD collection = MP3

I am having serious thoughts about selling my 1,500 or so CD collection and going to MP3 playback format. At one time I use to have the time and sit in front of my system and really listen, I mean sit and really get into the music. Now with two kids, and the band that I play guitar in, there is simply no time. My listening consists of in the car or in the house while I am doing something else. I am thinking about ripping my collection to my computer, selling the CDs and my CD player and using a large storage MP3 player as my source. Any thoughts? Anyone else out there do this?

Showing 3 responses by restock

Why MP3? You could get a large hard drive (say 4-500GB) and put all your CDs on there in lossless format. Lossless gives you about 50% compression. Estimating 500MB your average CD, you should be able to put 1600-2000 CDs on a single hardrive.

In any case, keep the CD's around or purchase at least a second hard drive for backup. No way, I would be seeling mine.

Good luck!

Axelfonze, I agree, but do I get a discount on the CD if I own the music already on LP ? I already purchased the right to listen once before....Should I then not be able to download the song legally without paying a minor fee for server administration.

The bottom line is th music industry is out to make money, at any cost (like many other entities too)...

Gretsch6120, are you really sure that you want to sell all your CDs for MP3? Sounds like something you might regret down the road. 1500 CDs don't take that much space to store (unlike 1500 LPs).

Are you keeping a lossless version around on harddrive in addition to MP3? I would make sure to do at least that. Upgrades to your system or changes in your listening behaviour might reveal some of the flaws in MP3. Its good to have at least a full version around.

Good luck!
