Thinking about getting a R2R DAC

Dear community,

I currently have a chord qutest DAC. I like it a lot, very full sound, accurate detailed and exciting.  However, whenever I go back to vinyl (with a well-recorded nice pressing) I find the sound so much more satisfying.  There is a warmth, yes, but there is a presence, a 'there-ness' that I just don't get with the digital.  I'm wondering if an R2R DAC would get me closer to that?  my budget would be around the same as the qutest.  I was looking at the MHDT Orchid or the Border Patrol.  Don't get me wrong, I really like the Qutest.  I am thinking of putting it in the upstairs system to pair with the Node2i I have up there.  Any thoughts?  Will analog always just be a different animal than digital?

Currently in the main system I have a Sonore uRendu feeding the Qutest which is going to a LTA MZ2 going to a Pass XA 30.5


Showing 1 response by duckworp

After a lot of research and demoing I have just invested in a CAD 1543 mkII for my pro listening-studio (used for choosing and checking audio files for record companies). It is a classic r2r using a number of the old Philips 1543 chips, and is the most musical dac I have personally heard at any price point. I love its pure simplicity: one USB input only, no filters to mess about with, no external power cord to worry about, one pair of rca outputs, short signal paths, and a well-designed power supply.
Ideally of course you do need to hear your shortlisted DACs in your own system as system synergy is key.