Think your speakers are positioned correctly?

I thought mine were. They've been sitting were I dialed them in for nearly a year now and I've been very pleased. Yesterday I moved the rear of the left speaker to the right about a quarter inch, and everything focused a little tighter. I don't believe I'll move them any more so I won't mess up the improvement I just gained. In the past I would tweak them just a bit more to see the outcome, and would find I messed everything up terribly.
The only reason I moved the speaker was because it looked like it was positioned wrong from the sweet spot. Talk about anal. A quarter inch from about ten feet across the room.

Showing 1 response by drubin

Those of you with the patience and apparent discipline to spend months on this task, let me axe you this: What's your process? What kind of a change do you make, how long do you listen to it, what do you do next, etc.etc. I'm sure you know what I'm getting at. And are you able to do this successfully by yourself or do you need a buddy for some or all parts?