Think twice before concluding some thing sounds better

Often anything good that is merely different seems better.    So many aspects of sound, things to listen for. Takes time to really know what parts are better and what might actually be worse in a complementary sense 

Showing 3 responses by phd

No matter what, just enjoy what you have in spite of the fact that we get used to what thrilled us in the beginning became business as usual.. Keep a few pieces around just to change up the sound and to keep things more interesting. Don't underestimate what you have, you could do a lot worse. More importantly play all your CDs regardless because its about the music and nothing else.
bharralson7740, I like your post dated 1/13/17 it is refreshing, apparently you must be fairly new to audiogon to make this much sense. Anyway you are correct, music is like a time machine taking one back to a time and place. On the other side of the coin coming home to a good sounding system is like finding the proverbial oasis in a vast desert.
tomcy6, I think you said a lot in regards to wanting recording engineers to try and get better sound. The difference in playing a high quality recording compared to that of poor quality is like day and night, at least on my system.  But also look at how this generation is listening to music, would not give recording engineers any incentive to improve sound quality and audiophiles represent a small segment of society.