Thiel Speakers

Maybe I am behind the curve, but I just now learned of the demise of the Thiel speakers brand.  I was trying to do some research on my pair of CS1.5's and the website just did not turn up in any Google searches.  Apparently, they folded their cards, closed up shop & shut down the website.  Bummer!  tragic end to such an influential & iconic brand!

The question I am researching is about the speaker connectors.  On my CS1.5's, despite what I have been told by others, there is no banana plug compatible orifice.  Yes, it has the black & red screw-type binders typical for spade & raw-wire connection.  But, despite many attempts, the center piece <where that removable center plug usually is> seems securely a part of the plastic screw knob.  

If anyone out there has words of wisdom or advice...or can tell me where I am screwing up...please speak up.  I would love to be able to use banana plugs!  

I am currently using a pair of Kimber 8-VS speaker cables with spades...and I am quite underwhelmed with the structural integrity of the stock Kimber spades.  the damned things are very flimsy.  Couple that with the Uber-low position of the binding posts <they live in my office on a carpeted floor>, I am concerned that situation places undue stress on the connection.

Thought & suggestions are most welcome.  If you only have disparaging & snarky comments, please keep them to yourself.
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