Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!


Thank You for your DIY hard work on making the CS 2.4/2.4SE loudspeaker, better.


Happy Listening!

I have been considering buying a class-D amp for use with my Thiel CS3.6 and CS2 2. I have focused on the NAD M23 and Bel Canto REF501S amps. Does anybody have experience with these or other class D amps?

I am picking on these models because they advertise minimum impedances of 2 ohms.




A capable amp's power specs should read something like:

- 100W @ 8 ohms, 0.1% distortion or less 20Hz - 20kHz, both channels driven

- 200W @ 4 ohms, 0.1% distortion or less 20Hz - 20kHz, both channels driven

- 400W @ 2 ohms, 0.1% distortion or less 20Hz - 20kHz, both channels driven

- Stable at 1 ohm

Amps whose specs diverge much from the above template may sound just fine, or even fantastic, paired with high-efficiency speakers.

But amps that will convincingly, authoritatively drive large, low-efficiency floorstanders with unforgiving impedance curves ought to be able to deliver 150A current peaks, not 15A.



Peak current measurements should be in the range of 150 amps not 18 to 30?

Am I correct in assuming this spec alone conclusively makes class-D amps inappropriate for use with the speakers in question? I am somewhat shocked at the response I had from manufacturers when presented with this very question.

I was asking the question looking for a response as to how well received/pleasing is the result of the pairing...sounds like no one does it because it is a bad match.

Is there a list of amps people feel meet electrical and real world listening criteria - favorite pairings?