Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

I have 7.2s!  They're absolutely fabulous in my system due to many factors. So coherent, detailed, and neutral. I supplement them with Enigma super tweeters and a pair of SVS PB4000 subs.  I have PPT E Cards on the driver magnets.  Enhanced Oppo 105, Jeff Rowland's PSU, DAC & Corus Pre, PPT everything everywhere, incl The Gate. Bybee iQSE v2s for atmosphere energizing. Exotic power cables and supply.  Analysis Plus interconnects and loudspeaker cables. (and more...) Buy them if you can find them!  They're a testimony of the late great Jim Thiel's magnificent work. Good luck.

Welcome! Thank You for assisting asturias00 query.  Good to read that you enjoy the CS 7.2 loudspeaker.  I look forward in reading more about your musical tastes.

Happy Listening!
Thanks for the very fast responses.  It is good to see that the Thiels still have a solid group of followers.  Very happy for the late Jim Thiel.  So it seems the 7.2 is the one to get.  I should pass on the CS7 deal then, hmm..
Also note (not sure of the date) that the initial 7.2s had a concrete baffles (the ones I previously owned did not).  My understanding (could be wrong and it was a long time ago) is that there were some problems in shipping them to the Far East (cracking).  I believe there was about a 15 pound difference in the weight of each speaker having the composite baffle vs. the concrete one (which was the one that weighed 15 pounds more).  There's probably threads on the concrete vs. the composite one and people's impressions, although I'd imagine that would be a very hard comparison unless there were 2 sets of 7.2s in the room with the same system.  For those looking at used ones, don't forget  I go there probably once a week or so (not that I need anything with all my systems but it doesn't hurt to look).
I’m on my way to visit Rob where we’ll audition lots of models including cs7 vs cs7.2. Rob says concrete vs composite are the same. I’ll form my opinion Wednesday.