Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 7 responses by dklap

I just created another discussion, but curious as to what you guys think about the synergy between an upgraded Odyssey Stratos amp and Thiel speakers. I just purchased 3 Powerplane 1.2's for my living room (wife is done with my rotating on-walls) and the Stratos 3 channel powers the three front speakers. Use is mostly TV and movies, and I'm the only one that listens to music in there...

I've always liked Thiels, never owned them (couldn't afford them!) but when I was looking for higher quality in-walls and saw how inexpensive the powerplanes could be found online, I just bought them. Expecting delivery on Monday. 

Anyway, any thoughts would be much appreciated. 


- Dan
Jafant -

I will report on the marriage between Thiel and my Odyssey Stratos amp when I get home from vacation and hook these puppies up. They need to sound good before I cut holes in my walls.

Cables are as follows :

internconnects by The Music Cable, using the Yellow model, and my review from 2002 is available here. These have been stored sin sealed ziplock bags since 2007, brought back into action about 2 months ago when I hooked up the Stratos in my living room.

Speaker cable is 14 gauge, available at big box store brand cable that my contractor ran through the walls - no idea on the brand. 

Source connects are rocket fish HDMI a from blue ray player and X1 cable box, media server via wired Ethernet cable.

Not much else to report until I can run some power though these speakers... Not likely until Tuesday. 

- Dan

So I received the speakers. They are a little beat up - not sure how to handle that, sent an email to the seller - but I hooked them up and I've got to say they sound fantastic with the Odyssey Stratos amp. My Odyssey is an HT-3 with a cap upgrade for reference. 

Anyway, sound is extremely detailed. They are replacing Acoustic Energy Aegis speakers, Compacts for right and left and the Aegis Center. 

Surrounds are Canton Plus X speakers. 

Dialogue is is crystal clear for movies/TV. Playing Force Awakens right now and it's close to perfect dialogue. Had to turn down my sub, as the Thiels are slightly harder to drive than the Acoustic Energy speakers. No nasal dialogue, and the speakers are seriously dynamic. Easy to hear at low volume, no ability to crank them up due to sleeping family. 

Music is also excellent. Used to prefer multi-channel music mode. But now all that does is reveal the deficiencies in the Cantons. Yes, the Thiels are that much cleaner. They make the Cantons sound dark. I wouldn't call the Thiels bright in any way - just clean. If they are normally bright the Stratos is keeping them musical. 

Imaging is great. Can't tell where the speakers are even tho they are aimed slightly above my head (not installed in the wall, sitting on console table under the TV). 

Anyway, very pleased with the sound just unhappy they are cosmetically banged up...

Overall, I'd say great match with the Odyssey Stratos. I'll try to hook them up to my parasound 1206 and compare them to the MK's hooked up in the basement. 

- Dan
UGH! Due to a pocket door, there isn't enough room to mount the Powerplane 1.2 on the right side of my TV!

So it's 1 of 3 options:

1. Build a nice looking box around them and hang them on the wall;
2. Install them all horizontally in a row below the TV (it's a 65" so they would be mostly spread out...)
3. Sell them.

I guess I could use them in my bedroom, but that's overkill on my budget, especially when I have 2 and a half extra HT speaker systems I can use in the bedroom...

What do you guys think? I can get new grills for $40 a piece, and there are 2 very tiny (undisclosed ) chips on the speakers edges that won't be visible when installed.

Time to research on-wall options?

 - Dan
So jafant, as apparent resident Thiel expert, can you give me a suggestion as to what smaller satellite or ON wall speakers tonally match the Thiel sound? I have nowhere to install Thiels in walls for my surrounds, and unfortunately need on-walls. SHort of building boxes for another pair of Power Plane 1.2's, not sure what else would match.

ALSO - an FYI to all Thiel owners - I spoke to Rob Gillum of Thiel today who sold me 2 replacement grilles for the beat up ones I received from the prior owner... He runs service for all legacy products in Kentucky. Really nice guy, look him up if you need anything. Former operations manager when the factory was still located in Kentucky. Appears to know his stuff.

Anyway, suggestions as to tonally matching satellites or on-walls would be much appreciated

- Dan

Well, this goes back a page in the thread, but I ended up cutting out a stud (with the blessing of the contractor that built the wall) as there was a "double stud" next to the pocket door, and I was able to go with standard installation on the sides of the 65" TV. Sounds great.

The new grilles for the speakers arrived from Thiel quickly and nicely packaged. Thanks Mr. Gillum.

To surrounds - so I ended up using a pair of Acoustic Energy Aegis Compacts for my surrounds (at least for now). They have a silk dome tweet, so not as crisp on the high end, but plenty detailed, and with an aluminum woofer, they so far have been a decent match - not Acoustic Energy's higher end line, but curious if anyone has any comments on their compatibility.

I know I am one of the few using Thiels in a home theater set up, but three PowerPlane 1.2's provides a really nice sound, extremely impressive for in-wall speakers. Clarity above all else.

I can also report that the Stratos HT-3 Plus is doing a great job with amplification, despite that I am using a Denon receiver (AV3313) as my pre-pro and that the cable is 14 gauge monster cable. I have not been able to create any distortion even at reference volume levels, and the only time these speakers don't sound great is with bad source material (low quality recordings).

THanks for the info in this thread - any comments on Acoustic Energy compatibility with Thiel sound would be appreciated. I can confirm that Odyssey amplification makes for a nice pairing with Thiel.

- Dan