Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 4 responses by cd318

prof166 posts06-24-2017 4:45amjonandfamily,

"My own subjective impressions, especially of amplifiers, aren’t much use to other people I think. We all have different tastes, different hearing, different criteria; what I hear as uninvolving will be someone else’s musical nirvana.

And by "bleached" I’m talking of timbral or tonal color, nothing to do with dynamics. I tend to sort of see colors when listening to sound (and clearly so do some other people, which is why lots of audiophiles refer to colors in describing sound). When I listen to my acoustic guitar I always "hear" a golden sparkly tone. I’d take that recording around to various systems and speakers: from most of them, I don’t hear that tone. It’s more silver/gray. And that’s my main complaint with most systems: they sound "bleached" of tonal color, which is what I always perceived whenever I was able to compare Audio Research amps with, say CJ amps, over the years (and that’s only a few times, really).

That doesn’t mean someone else will hear the same thing. was interesting to see it described that way here, and I have seen the Audio Research sound described similarly over the years. Just like the CJ sound is often described as "golden."

My pal loves his Audio Research amp - had it forever, doesn’t want to part with it."

Wow! This is the single greatest posting I have ever read on any audio website. Its wonderful to know there are other people out there who feel the same way about tonal colour. I have heard cheap car stereos, portable radios, even TVs which sounded better than some (so called) high end audio with its highly detailed, wide bandwidth but timbrally washed out monochrome sound. Totally unsatisfying.

It’s a pity that Thiel didn’t have much of a presence here in the UK, but we still have Tannoy and Harbeth.
Hi jafant! Yes this hobby is all about music and friends can only help broaden tastes.

It took me many years of climbing the audio ladder, far too many, before I was realised what I was looking for in music reproduction. Until then, the whole upgrade thing was always strangely unsatisfying despite great magazine reviews.

Nowadays I am still interested in potential improvements to my system, eg loudspeakers such as the Thiel 3.7s as mentioned by prof, but I do love the sound my speakers and amp (modded Tannoy Berkeleys and Creek something) are making.
Hmmm...I take it people are aware that in some blind listening tests the listeners were unable to distinguish between high end cable and some coat hangers.

Just be careful out there, its a jungle.

'Just my little peek behind the curtain regarding how everything is hooked to everything, nothing is simple, and no good idea goes unpunished.'

It's a real privilege to have your input and insights here. Cabinets are no doubt fiendishly complicated things and your words do help to ground things back into reality somewhat.

Thankfully for most of us here, we're only on the listening side of the fence!