Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 50 responses by jafant

I caught a Krell 300 FPB amp over on U.S. Audiomart. I hope this Beast finds the next good home.


Happy Listening!



Welcome! Good to see you today. Thank you for the post. Stay tuned until one of our Panel experts chimes in to address your query.

I am looking forward to reading more details about your Musical tastes and system.


Happy Listening!



Thank you for the update. Perhaps we can meet later this Fall. Keep me posted as you massage those 2.4 speakers into your room and System.


Happy Listening!



Thank You for addressing drotti2004 's query. I hope that you are having a Fruitful trip to (from) VA. Have fun and Safe travels.


Happy Listening!


Outstanding! What a trip!?  Good to read that you are back on NH home soil.

An incredible collection of Audio toys for your Hot Rod testing. Another incredible factor is Bill awaiting parts for the Classe’ amps. Very impressive.


Watch eBay or U.S. Audiomart for an Oppo player. They are plentiful!

Thank you for confirming that Bill still offers those upgrades.  I hope to see his Operation someday before retirement.  No doubt that he enjoys a thriving Audio shop.  Can you comment on his Listening room or test bench gear ?


Happy Listening!



Thank you for the description of Bill’ s Audio operation. I can only imagine his Home stereo system. No doubt that he has golden ears. After all he was the Lead technician at Conrad Johnson for a number of years.


I see Mr Rob Gillum in the same professional light.

30 years and counting, We are very fortunate to have these Men in our hobby.

The Panel’s 3.5 fans and owners will welcome any XO upgrades. EQ improvement as well.  Glad that you guys enjoyed fellowship and fruitful travels. Nothing like exploration of Audio shops away from your local haunts.


Happy Listening!



2nd Note;

Impressive that Bill employs a Pro Power Amp.

very curious to learn the brand/model? I wonder why he does not use a CJ power amp?


Happy Listening!



You never cease to amaze me. Thank you for the history lesson on CJ. Their offerings are very fine in the RCA input/output tradition.  I have never been disappointed in any demo.  I can attest to the entry level models and top of the line models equally. Further, the CAV 45 is a very sweet integrated amp. While not the last word in a Powerhouse, it is musical and simple as hell.


Glad you are having fun with revamping the 3.5 Eq and speaker. Many will benefit when the upgrade is released.  Same for fans and owners of the 2.2 and 2.4 models. Good fortune are entow. And yes, the 2.4 is plentiful in the secondary market place. Quick decision and timing are important in landing a pair.


Happy Listening!



Are you still considering a 2-way Monitor under the Thiel Renaissance moniker?

I know that we had a prior discussion last year. No doubt that any new Product post 3.6 will be welcomed with enthusiasm and open ears.


Happy Listening!



Thank you for the update. Good to read that your effort and hard work is developing into a real product.  Floor stander vs. Monitor is a tough choice indeed.

I know you guys will invent the best of both designs, making it your own creation.

The buyer’s market is there for either One. Regarding the CS 2.4 , once you have had a taste, it is very difficult to say No. I am glad that you found your pair. I still have your 02 request at the Top of list equally.  Maybe a sweet “Barn find@ will land on Us.


Happy Listening!



Good to see you again. Nice catch! I hope those 3.6 speakers find the next home.

The Black finish is quite elegant.


Happy Listening!



Over on Facebook marketplace there is a pair of CS 2.4 in rare White finish.

Virginia Beach, VA area. I hope these Speakers find the next good home.


Happy Listening!



Thank You for the follow up and citing your System. I also checked my CS 2.4SE speakers and see no residue, at all.


Happy Listening!



Thank You for sharing these pics! Do you have Serial Numbers (S/N) 293/94 ?

Or, 294/95?


Happy Listening!



In light of Tom's professional opinion, I would keep these loudspeakers. It is rare to find such low S/N.  Very cool to learn that this is an original design by Jim.


Happy Listening!



Thank You for providing your expert opinion and corresponding History lesson. 

Good to learn that halifax owns the original design per Jim. Regarding your CS 2.4 speakers- what are the Serial Numbers (s/N)?


Happy Listening!



Yes! beetlemania is the MAN! at DIY. I will search for the initial  page that kicks off his upgrading XO talk.


Happy Listening!



start with Page 190. The XO upgrade talk begins there, moving forward. Take your time as there is much to digest. It is good to have another DIY'er on the panel.


Happy Listening!



My pleasure. I would certainly keep these rare Speakers.  Enjoy your newly found treasure.


Happy Listening!



Thank You for posting. That is a sweet set-up minus all of that wood paneling.

I would imagine that the room is very "live"


Happy Listening!



Welcome! Nice score on those CS 1.2 speakers. Good to see you here. Stay tuned until one of the Panel's 1.2 experts chimes in to address your query.

What other gear is in your System?


Happy Listening!



Yes! a Classe' DR9 is also a sonic match. Nice score!


Happy Listening!


Good to see you here. A wise choice and sound investment in CS 2.4 loudspeakers.


Happy Listening!



Good to see you here again. I would surmise that a Speaker like the CS6 or CS 7.2 requires a large Krell, Levinson or Pass Labs to do justice.


Happy Listening!


Thank You for reporting on the Jadis w/ your CS 3.7 loudspeakers.


Happy Listening!



Judging by the size of 3.6 speaker, it appears to fit better in a 14x14, 15x15 room for best results. Model CS6 or CS 7.2 would perform better in a 25x18 room. A larger footprint requires a larger space to stretch out.


Happy Listening!



My pleasure. What other Gear is in your System?


Happy Listening!



Thank You for addressing thoft's query. You are indeed a Thiel expert.


Happy Listening!



Thank You for addressing and diagnosing thoft's potential situation with the 3.6 loudspeakers.


Happy Listening!



What gear and cabling is in your various Systems?


Happy Listening!



Welcome! Good to see you here. The Panel has a few fans and owners of the CS 2.3 loudspeaker. Stay tuned until one of our experts chimes in to address your query. Thank You for citing Rob at CSS. He is a 1-Man Operation and has a pretty quick turnaround overall.  I look forward in reading more about your Musical tastes and System. Keep me posted on the Repair process.


Happy Listening!



Thank you for your expert advice as always. 
I hope that you are well and recovering from your recent journey.


Happy Listening!



Thank you for the update. Take your time building any Reference system. 
I agree that Pass Labs is a Sonic match for our loudspeakers.  You have many excellent choices in pre-amps.  Same for Cabling. Much decision will hinge upon the Pre-amp. Solid state v. Tubed.  Either way you cannot go wrong.  Keep me posted as you navigate Cabling.


Happy Listening!



Besides Pass Labs power amps, what other gear/cabling is in your system?


Happy Listening!



My pleasure to assist you. Yes! there are a few CS6 fans and owners here on the 

Panel.  Take the time to read through this Thread. There is a plethora of excellent information.


Happy Listening!



Nice catch! I hope that those 7.2 speakers find the next good home.


Happy Listening!



I have heard both of those Bryston amps. Which Pre-Amp do you plan to use?


Happy Listening!



Thank You for the follow up w/ Rob at CSS.  Do you have any other Amp consideration(s) beside Peachtree ?


Happy Listening!



Good to read that you had a positive consultation with Rob at CSS. Thank You for citing the Protectant 303 and Silver solder.


Happy Listening!



Nice catch! I hope those CS 5 speakers find the next good home.

Happy Listening!



a classic Mark Levinson 23.5 power amp avail over on U.S. Audiomart.

Seller has a sweet pair of Thiel speakers (CS 2.7 or CS 3.7 by my eyes) in the ad.


Happy Listening!