
I guess it's not news anymore that Crutchfield is selling Thiel online. What seems odd is the pricing: 2.4's going for $2500, and 3.7's for $5000, shipping included.

Can anyone confirm the accuracy of these prices? If they are accurate what are the implications?

The first time I heard Theils was probably in the 80's. It was in a high end store. I had to cover my ears. The salesman was completely baffled by my reaction. What can I say?

Reminds me of a lesson I learned many years ago about equipment. On impulse I went into a high end store in San Francisco. Probably the most elite store I have ever been in. They had what was then B&Ws no-compromise speaker. I can't remember the model. They cost the outrageous amount of $3500 a pair. This was before Wilson and their like started the endlesses upward spiralling of prices for audio gear.

Anyway, I didn't have any records with me (no CDs back then) so from the store selection I put on Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac. It was awful. The bass was just tubby and muddy and bloated and unlistenable. I had heard that song many many times on many systems and never noticed this effect. The salesman asked to play one of his choices. He put on Spyro Gyra. It was sublime. It set a new standard for sound reproduction for me.

The problem is I would never listen to Spryo Gyra by choice but I loved and still very much like Rhiannon. So, was that a good system or a bad system?

By the way, I have used Rhiannon as a test ever since. Even the CD has some of the same poorly recorded bass. You should hear what it does to a Bose automobile sound system. It ain't pretty. So I guess that puts Bose in the same league as Theil and B&W ;-}
This notion that speakers should favour one type of music over another is ridiculous. Since it keeps this "hobby" going no one is supposed to mention that though.
Crutchfield MIGHT be a good option for those without a local Thiel retailer, but already familiar with the company's products. Seems Thiel has been losing dealers for one reason or another. There have been three in the Louisvlle area over a 24 year period, but apparently none now. Currently my nearest Thiel dealer is in the next major city down I-65 or up I-71 and over an hour away to drive. Not a problem if I were looking to buy NEW. but it might be for some.
While people were questioning Crutchfield's listing of MSRP for "each" speaker, if you get the MSRP price list from Thiel direct, they have been listing the same on a for "each" speaker basis for years. They do that for all speakers in the line, many of which "are" directed mainly for theatre set-ups (e.g., PowerPoint, ViewPoint, etc.). In this case, Crutchfield was simply following Thiel's long-term practice in listing MSRP.
Crutchfield does indeed seem a strange choice of online retailer because they sell nothing to support the purchase of Thiel speakers. They're aimed at the cheap home theater market. Does it make any sense that someone would order a Pioneer receiver and a pair of Thiel 2.4s for their home theater? It would be more logical to see them offered in Audio Advisor or Music Direct, for example. At least they sell real amplifiers that might stand a chance of making Thiels sound decent. The Pioneer receiver would likely go up in smoke.